Will and recruits

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Will:I Decided to show You guys how I once Trained Rookies and Recruits and I did it by doing a reference and Yelling at them Vulgarly!

Echo Already Covered Baby Wyatt's Ears for this,So he won't have to hear this.

(Y/n):Let's see how bad it is.

Meggy:It can't be that bad.

The sun was shining as recruits were all lined up with Will in front of them giving them his 'motivational' speech.

Will:I put in an order to My Chief to send me a shitload of badasses and pillage-hungry murder machines and instead,all I got was you cupcake cock-clowns and a side order of fuck-nuggets.


Will:Oh,You think it's funny?How would You like It if I made you Exercise?

Mario(Smg4):Oh no.

Will:With Only Water Breaks!


Asta:that's not So Hard.

Mario looks At Asta Before saying.....

Mario:You Disgust Me.

Will:I can tell at a glance at least 50% of you are cock-suckers and the other 50% are cock-suckers who've never been told to believe in themselves.

(Y/n):Will,What the Fuck is wrong with you,Man?!

Will:You want Intense Training,You get Intense Verbal Punishment!

Subaru:You Are a psychopath.

Will:Well,Screw you too.

Tari:It does seem Rude.


Boopkins:Uh,Actually,I Care-

Will Shot Boopkins With a gun and that Sent him flying and Dead on the ground but don't worry,He's got Smg4 Logic.

(Y/n):What the hell,Will?

Will:Like i said,Nobody Cares

Bailey:Oh yeah?

Everyone turned to see Bailey Back in her Eri Form but that's Not all,She Was.....

Everyone turned to see Bailey Back in her Eri Form but that's Not all,She Was

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