A New Arrival & A Family Reunion

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Will Walks Into his Theater With a Beaten Up (Y/n) Who Now Has A New Sword That Looks Like This.

Will Walks Into his Theater With a Beaten Up (Y/n) Who Now Has A New Sword That Looks Like This

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Will:Hey,Guys!Oh And About The Sword,It's For (Y/n) From My Boss.


Will:Well.......He Kinda Got His Ass Kicked By Another Him Known By His Code name "Raiden"

(Bf/n):You Mean Like Metal Gear?

Will:Kinda but he's Alright,Just REALLY Tired And I Trained By Doing The Kermit Pokemon Evolution Method!

Ruby:What's That?

Kermit Himself Popped Out Of Nowhere And Spoke As He Said This.

Kermit:Where You Beat the Shit Out Of A Pokemon And Than,Take Tim To Be Healed and Than They Eventually Evolve!


Kermit:See Ya!

With that,He LITERALLY Disappeared Into Thin Air as Everyone Was Confused As To what Happened but You Were Getting Up But You Said Something Very Weird.


He Realizes Where He is At And Blushes In Embarrassment As He Chuckles And Goes Back To His After Reverting Back To His Normal Outfit.

Will:Anyway,Today Isn't Gonna Be A Reaction But Rather A New Guest And A Reunion For (M/n).


Ram:Future Me?

Will:Yes And Now!

Will Snaps His Fingers And Out Came......

Will Snaps His Fingers And Out Came

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Another Person.....But she's....Familiar Somehow

Will:Welcome To My Theater and Here If You're Not An Omni Being Than F*ck You and My Rules Are Pretty Much Saying Don't Kill Each Other.

The Strange Woman Looks Around Until She Sees The RE:Zero Cast And Looks Back at Will As She Says This To Him.

??:Will,Was It?Why Do I See a Younger Version Of Subaru,Emilia,Sister And Myself.

Her Sentence Automatically Reveals Who She Is And It would Make Sense As Sense Your Mom Is Ram But Didn't look Or Act Anything Like Her,The Same thing would Apply To Rem....So That means She's Rem!

Rem:'So....She's Me In The Future?'

Rem Was Surprised At What she Will become But She Smiles.

Will:Well,Rem Because I Can Do That and I Think Someone Wants To Talk To You.

(M/n)/Older Ram Jumps Really High Surprising you and Your Siblings But You Recall That Ram and Rem ARE Oni Which ARE Demons...Soo.....


Older Rem(Teary):Sister.....?

The Older Version Of Rem Gains Tears In Her Eyes As She Sees Her Sister After All These Years And Proceeds To Hug her tight enough that You Could Crack Bones.


(M/n):Of Course,I Am As I Won't Go Down That Easy But There Is People That I Want You To Meet....Oh!And Little Me!


(M/n) Looks At Her Husband As He Groaned Remembering How they Met and Before She Gained A Smirk and Told Her Younger Self This!

(M/n):When You Meet (F/n),Roadhouse Kick Him In The Stomach.

Ram:I Will.

After that,(M/n) Brought The Adult Rem To meet You and your Siblings And After Learning that She is An Auntie,She Gains A Dark Aura And Tries To Kill Your Dad,(F/n) But Eventually Calmed Down And After,She Gained A Very Bright Smile As She Strangled You And Your Siblings And let Go Allowing you To Breathe.

(Y/n):*Deep Breaths*Well,I Guess Unnatural Strength Comes From Mom's Side Of The Family!

Adult Rem:You Can Say That But Thanks To Will,I Can Vist You Anytime I Want And Vice Versa!



Adult Rem:But I Decided When I Come To Your Dimension,You Have To Refer To Me As (A/n)

*Fyi,This AN Means Author Note*

(A/n)=(Aunt's Name)

(Y/n):Okay,Aunt (A/n).

(A/n):Ooh!I Love It Already,Nephew!

(Y/n):Though I Wonder If We Get To Have Members Of The Family From Dad's Side Like Grandpa And Grandma Or Uncle Max Or Aunt Charlotte!


(L/n) Family:A Lot And We Mean A LOT!

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