the Good of the Omniverse

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*Warning:This Good May Get confusing and or different from the way my other chapters are*

Will:Hey guys,I got Something To tell you About but First to chuckle and it's make Mineta Ugly.

Will Pulls Out the Ugly-Inator and Shoots Mineta with it but.....


It Couldn't make Something Ugly,if it was Already Ugly and this made Everyone laugh as well as will wiped a tear from laughter and said...

Will:Now,Time for Serious stuff.

Will tells Everyone that he's Going to be More thorough About explaining the Omniverse to them and he sighs wondering if he should actually do this but Echo grabs his hand and gives him a comforting look.

Echo:It's okay,you don't have to do this,If you don't want to.

Will smiles at his Wife and holds her hand back as he says....

Will:It's okay,Echo,I'm Willing to this and Besides,I'm Gonna Have to this Eventually,So......Let's Begin.

The Screen lit up as a voice came from......Somewhere i guess and Started narrating.

??:Guardians.....They are the Protectors of Good and are a line of Defense against the chaos syndicate.

Tanjiro:Chaos Syndicate?

Izuku:Sounds like a group of villains.

Will:They're Bigger than "A Group of Villains"

??:Now to understand What a guardian is You'll have to know about they where hail from.

Zeta Prime
The Omniverse Hub

Zeta PrimeThe Omniverse Hub

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Nezuko & Ruby:Wow.

Asta:Look at that place.



Will:Yeah and the inside Is A LOT Bigger.

??:This 8 layered ultra space station was created by NinjaComix and the guardian Council as a safe haven for all the the people of the Omniverse with each layer containing it's Own world of Canon Characters.

Smg4:That's really Interesting.

Shinra:That's pretty cool.

From top to bottom there's the....

Layer 1:Shonen city which consists of all the different animes that exist parts as well as there elected representatives the 3 three

Boopkins:Oooh!Can I go in?

The Y/N Multiverse(Real World Reader) 2:Multiple MultiversesWhere stories live. Discover now