Game On!

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Will:Yo Guys!


(Y/n):You're already better After Crying like a bitch?

Will(Sarcastic):Ha-Ha,very funny.

Will also decided to ignore that and Let them know what they're Gonna Watch.

Will:today,We're gonna Get our Game On!


(Y/n),Walker,Candy And Ash found An old game system and Decided to play It As Well as Select their avatars but Choose One of their Alternate Appearances.

(Y/n):I'll Choose The Boy Yang because boy or not,Yang is A Good Fisticuffs Fighter.

Yang:Yes,i Am.

Walker:I'll Choose This Guy,Human Shadow.


Will:Game Character.

Candy:I Think i'll Play as The Dragon warrior,Sounds Tuff.

(Y/n):That's Probably Po.

(Y/n):Hey,Ash!You wanna Join in on this?

Ash decided to Do It and Choose A Character With this Name.

Ash:I'll Be.....Sonya Blade.

(Y/n):From mortal Kombat?


Xander:Good Choice.

With their Characters Chosen,it began to play instruments as the light on the console began to glow brighter with each of the beats from the drums playing.

N.G:What's going on with that Thing?

Asta:It's Going Crazy!

Walker:What the hell?

Candy:Unplug It!

(Y/n) Rushes to do that but finds that Even with Unplugging it,It's Still going.

Ash:What's Happening?!

Everything went quiet for a second before the entire screen to the tv flashed a greenish and blue light. Jumping back instantly, all of them gave out a sudden scream. The console then started to spark and jump as Suddenly (Y/n) raised his arms up before him to see that they began to dissolve.

Everyone:WHAT THE HELL!?!?

Ash:(Y/n),What's Happening to you?

(Y/n):I Don't know!

He suddenly dissolved into a color of green and blue dust as he was sucked into the light of the console.


the girls cried out before Candy looked down at herself to see she was dissolving too.

Not long after Ash followed suit leaving Walker alone stammering and yelling as He looked down at herself to see that he too was dissolving.

Walker:Oh great,I'm Gonna join as well.

Walker:No!No!No!No!This is Fucking bull shiiiiiiiiii!

He yelled before dissolving and being sucked into the light of console as well, leaving the room completely quiet with the console alone.

Lucas:Are they dead?


The screen shifts to a jungle from a man's vision as he ran throughout it until he came to a cliff that caused he to jump down to the canopy that was below and land on his feet with a loud earthshaking crash, as the screen shifts to see who the man was. He was a Young Man With Blonde hair And Yellow Bracelets.

The Y/N Multiverse(Real World Reader) 2:Multiple MultiversesWhere stories live. Discover now