Oni Horn Arrival

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Will:Alright,This One Is Basically A Gift From Future Me And It Shows How Our Little (Y/n) Gets His Oni Horn.

(Y/n):I Have a Horn!?

Will:Yeah,Your Mom Had One Before It Was Lost.

(Y/n):Oh Yeah.

The Other (L/n) Kids Were Gonna Ask But Will Clarified It To them.

Will:I know What you're Gonna Ask And Yes,You Have Horns,Yourselves but They Can't Come Out but Seeing Future Omni Unlock His Horn Might Help.

A Batalia Ranked Omni Was On the Battlefield Against An SS Villian to Prove He's Strong And Protect His The Other Zeta Prime Soldiers From This Pyscho Until One Of the Councilmen Arrive.

Random Soldier:Omni For God's Sake!Stop,You Can't Beat Him,Just Wait Til The Council Arrive And They Can-

Omni Interrupts The Soldier And Shouts At Him.

Omni:NEVER!I Made A Vow The Day I Officially Became A Zeta Prime Soldier And That Was I'll Let Everyone Know Hope And Show Them Light And That I Can Do This Without Those DAMN Author Gods.

Will:'Okay......That Needs Context'

SS Criminal:*Pyschotic Laugh*Oh Please,You Barely Been Doing Anything To Me.


SS Criminal:Nanananananananana!

Omni Grits His Teeth In Complete And Utter Fury As He Looks Ready To Snap At Any Moment Until This Moron Just Pulled That Trigger.

SS Criminal:After I'm Done With You,I'll Take Your Family And Make Your Sisters My Bitches Or Murder your Parents.


Omni Couldn't Take it Anymore As He Shouted in Anger But It Sounded More Like A Demon Roar As The Screen Turns Sideways And Shows His Skeleton As A Sharp Horn Punctures From The Inside And The View Changes To Normal As It Pans Up to Reveal Blood Dripping Down From his Head,His Eyes No longer The same Of the Kind Person And The Horn Is Out but This Baby Looks like It's as Sharp As A Indestructible Sword.

(Y/n):Holy Shit.....

Rem:he did it....

(Bf/n):But How?

Will:his family.....

Izuku:What Did you say,Will?

Will:The Horn was Triggered By His Pure Rage at the Thought of Someone Wanting to hurt his Family.

Echo:And Therefore,Responded By Letting itself Free.

Omni decided to Rip His Suit Off Which Just Exposed A Really Muscular Body Like A 12 Pack.

All The Girls Except Ones Related To Him Blushed At Seeing (Y/n)'s Future Muscles Pulsing And Sweating Like That.


(Y/n):Why Is Future Me So Sexy?

The SS Crook Thought Nothing Of It And That He was still the Same And Can't Beat him.

SS Criminal:Because You're A Weak,Little Bi-......Why Do I Feel Something Missing?

He Looks Down To See He's Missing BOTH Of His Arms Causing Him to Scream In Pain And Look Behind Him To See Omni Walking Towards Him With His Sword In tow.

SS Criminal:W-wait,Don't Kill Me,Please!

Omni Doesn't Listen And Instead,Raises His Sword In The Air Ready To Strike But Before He Could....


Omni Stops And Turns To See Some Of The Council Members Staring At Him And They're Not Happy.

Will:Yeah,I Know I'm Not.

NinjaComix:What Do You Think You're Doing?

Artemis:You Were Supposed To wait For Us.

Drake:Yeah......And Not Nearly Murder Them.

Will:Dude,Seriously?What's A matter With You?

Omni Doesn't Say A Word But Does Send an Energy Slash at the Group Causing Them To Jump.

(Y/n):What The!?WHAT AM I DOING?!?!

(M/n):*Sigh*It Seems You're Like Me in Terms Of Power With Your Horn.....But In Terms Of Control,It's Worse Than Your Aunt's.

The Cast Of Re:Zero's Eyes Widen As Hearing Future Ram's Words Basically Saying That (Y/n) Has No Control Of Himself.

Will:Dude,What are You Doing?

Drake:Trying To Kill Us,That's What!

Artemis Sees That He Isn't Responding And Notices for The First Time that his Horn Is Released.

Artemis:WILL,DRAKE,It's The Horn,It's Making Him Go Berserk.

Will Finally Notices The Horn And Sighs Realizing It's Probably Due to his Oni Blood.

Will:That's Not Good,We Gotta Find A Way To!

NinjaComix:I Got This.

Comix Somehow got Behind Omni And Did The Simple Yet Most Effective Thing Ever......Karate Chop on the Neck knocking them out.

(Y/n):Well,At Least It's Over.

The Members Of Zeta Prime Noticed How Omni's Horn Seemed To Be Sucked Back inside His Head.

Will:That Was......Intense.

Drake:No kidding.

Artemis:Omni Needs To Get That Power Under Control Before He gets Someone Or Himself Hurt.


Comix Looks Directly at Will before Saying This....

NinjaComix:Will,I Want You And Tempest To Find a Way To help Omni Get That Horn Under Control.

Will:You Got it,Chief but I Only hope Tempest doesn't Go Nuts.

NinjaComix:*Sigh*Just Make Sure he Gets It Under Control,I Don't Wanna See an Innocent life Get Hurt or hurt themself.

Will nods As They All Head Off And The Screen goes Black.


(Y/n):So.....That's The Future.

Subaru:It Must've Sucked Seeing That Happen to you,Though.

(Y/n):It Did but we Can't Change it.

Akko:Well,Good Luck For When It Happens.


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