Chicken Fight!!

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Will:Hey,(L/n) Family?

(L/n) Family:Yes?

Will:Question,What Happens if There's A Bad Coupon Given to you?

(L/n) Family:Get Ready To Be Fucked Up.

Ram Looked At Her Older Self with a Questioning look but Ignored It As to Not Hear An Insane Answer.

The screen opened up to a local shopping store. And one of the shoppers coming out of there was The Young (Y/n) dressed in His Red Jacket.

(Bf/n):Do You Ever Take That Jacket Off?!

(Y/n):Yeah like When I Go to Bed Or Need to Wash it.


You Were greeted by a man in a chicken suit.

Mascot:Well, looks like someone's going to a big party tonight

The chicken man observed as You turned to him.

Mascot:You should pick up a chicken strip party pack for all your friends!


The mascot said, making a chicken sound when he said pickup.  

Mascot:Here's A Coupon. 

The mascot offered as he handed out the offer to You.

You Just shook his head and waved his hands in response.

(Y/n):Woah, woah, look pal, I don't take coupons from giant chickens.....Not After Last Time.

Weiss:Oh Come On,There's No Way That It Was THAT Bad.

A Flashback Occurred And Began to Show What Happened and That Was This....that day where You Were in another store paying for Your items.

(Y/n):Oh Yeah And That Nice Chicken outside gave me this coupon!

You said with a smile as he gestured to the Giant chicken outside of the store and handed the coupon to the cashier.

Asta:What The...?

Momonga:Is......That A Giant Chicken?

Subaru:Okay......What The Hell!?!?


The Cashier Swipes the Coupon but She Returned it to You with a Frown As She says This.

Cashier:I'm Sorry But This Coupon Is Expired.

Stella:That Bastard,How Dare He Give Someone like (Y/n) An Expired Coupon!

(Y/n):You SON OF A.....!

You said angrily as he turned to the chicken with a face of rage while the Chicken had a look of shock As You jumped through the window and tackled the Giant Chicken to the  ground And Proceeded To Hurt Him.

Everyone(Except Family):WHAT THE HELL!? 

Jiro:Um.....Don't You Think Your Going A Bit Too Far?

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