Baby Wyatt Is Finally Born!

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Will And Echo Came In The Theater And They Had A Blanket Wrapping Something.

(Y/n):Hey Will,Echo,Where Have You two been?

The Married Couple Look at Each other Before Laughing Causing Another Sound To Be Heard,A Baby Sound.

Everyone Covered Their Ears to Avoid The Sound As if There's One Sound That Is Extremely Annoying,It's Gotta Be The Cries Of A Baby.


Unfortunately,All That Did Was Make It Worse And Make Everyone Glare At Bakugou For His Idiocy.

Freddy:Make It Stop!

Melody:Where Is It Even Coming From!?

Momonga After Using A Sound Barrier To No Longer Hear That Annoying Cry,Saw Tiny Hands Reaching For Will and Echo,Which Must Meant....

Momonga:Will,Did echo Give Birth to The Wyatt Of Present Day?

Will Looked At Everyone With A Genuine Smile And And looked Back At Echo Before Saying....

Will:Yes,She Did.....Everyone......

He Removed The Blanket To See A Baby With White Hair And Blue Eyes Clinging To his Mother But The Sight Of Him Caused Everyone to Do one Thing....

Will:Meet Our Baby,Wyatt Eve.


Ochako:He's So Adorable.

Tsu:Is He Ticklish?

Mina:Coochie Coochie Coo.

Mimosa:he Looks Like A New Bloomed Flower.

Everyone Talked About How Adorable He was And (Y/n) Decided To Look At The Baby,Seeing as though He'll be his Mentor when the kid's Older.

(Y/n):Hi Wyatt,I'm (Y/n) But You Can Call Me Omni And When you're Older I'm Gonna Train You,How's That Sound?

Wyatt Didn't Say Anything.....He Just Straight Up Bit His Finger Causing Him To Scream In Pain And Try To Remove the Baby Off until Will Got Him Off.

Will:Sorry,He gets it from his Mother.

Echo:He actually Gets it from Both Of Us.

(Y/n):Well,Either Way I'm Gonna Rip That Little Twerp When I Train Him.

Will:Yeah But I Know That Wyatt Is Going To be An Amazing & Kind Person Even If He doesn't Wanna Be a hero.

Echo:Well Said,Dear.

Suddenly A Portal Appeared And Outcame......

Tempest:Hey,Hey,hey!Where's The Little Runt?I Wanna See My Honorary Nephew

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Tempest:Hey,Hey,hey!Where's The Little Runt?I Wanna See My Honorary Nephew.

Will & Echo:TEMPEST!?

Tempest:That's The Name,Don't Wear It Out.

Everyone Except Will And Echo Was Surprised By His Appearance And Didn't Know Or Even Heard Of He Was Until (Y/n) Says....


.......That.....Causing An Awkward Atmosphere And Baby Wyatt To Laugh At....Whatever's Happening.

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