How (Y/n) Met...

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Will:Hey Guys,Sorry about what about what trying to murder you.

Echo:I'm not.

Everyone:We know.

Will sighs but explains that this viewing is gonna be Showing (Y/n) And how he met everyone except family.

(Y/n):'Of course'


Of Course,We Are starting Off with (Y/n)'s Best friend,Duh!

It shows a preschool And A Preschooler Version Of (Y/n) Walking To class for his First day Of School.

(Y/n):1st day of Preschool,The day i met My best pal and worst Annoyance.

(Bf/n):Well,Screw you too!

The two looked angry at one another but soon hugged each other as despite annoying each other,they have Been Friends Since Preschool And They're the Best of friends.

(Y/n) was Relaxing and eating his lunch,a Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich but he saw someone who was By himself Eating alone Like he was....So Since he was a toddler,he approached him.


The boy turns in nervousness and Said it back.


(Y/n):Are you Okay?

The boy looked at him before turning away scared and Sad As he simply said....

??:No.....because I wanna go home and be with mommy,I don't Wanna Be Here And Be near people That I don't know

(Bf/n):Before Any of you say anything,I was a preschooler!

(Y/n) Decided to help fix That and Introduce himself.

(Y/n):I'm (Y/n)!


(Y/n):You said You don't wanna be near people that You don't know,Well Now,You know me And you can Introduce yourself.

The Boy was Shocked but Smiled And Introduced Himself to (Y/n).

(Bf/n):I'm (Bf/n).

(Y/n):Nice to meet you,let's be best friends!

(Bf/n):Best Friends Forever?


The two hug And Head back To class as these two Aren't just Classmates Anymore but they're Friends.

The Pals Smile at each other As It was True,No matter What even if one of them said Their Friendship Is Over Well,Deep Down In their Heart Is the Fact that Their Friendship Would Never Die.

Will:'That May be true but.....Nothing Lasts Forever'


It was 2 months and A New Student Was Coming and it was a Female Student,Everyone Chattered Until She Arrived With a hat to big for her head And introduced herself with a Cute smile.

The Y/N Multiverse(Real World Reader) 2:Multiple MultiversesWhere stories live. Discover now