Akame Ga Kill:The dream Theory

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Will sighs as he sits down in a chair and Echo holds his hand wondering why he's upset while baby wyatt reaches out towards his father.

Echo:is everything okay?

Will:I don't Know but i learned From Older Wyatt And the Older Me That Tempest Decided to Go to War with the Regime By himself Because they stole His Tech and Killed Innocent Lives by using Suicide Bombings and if that wasn't bad,Tempest's Adopted Father,A Version of Rengoku was possessed by the same demon that possessed him and nearly killed him but Rengoku got Control but the demon Got A body and almost left Tempest for Dead,If Wasn't jair and bino Saving him and Rengoku in time as well as bring them to Future Me's theater.....Me and Tempest Might not get along but........He Doesn't deserve that kind of pain and He's A good Pal....and he Better not Die.

Echo giggles at her husband And simply say this to him.

Echo:Will,We both know that Tempest Is too stubborn to be killed easily.

Will laughs and knows his wife is Right and Decides to focus on something else and that's his viewings.

Will:Time to scare the shit out of people!

Will bursts into his theater With a shotgun and Says...




Will:Nothing Really but Let's get into reacting and this one's Gonna Get A bit Crazy and Strange.

We start the viewing with Akame and (T/n) in his Tatsumi form.


Akame yelled as tatsumi was lying in her arms wounded from using all of his strength to stop the giant shikutazer from destroying the capital and crushing millions of people,however this was too much for our small hero because he used the last of his strength to stop the giant teigu. 

(T/n):What?But isn't incursio's Power,Evolution? 

Will:Yes but no as While,It's power can make it evolve,That doesn't necessarily mean it lasts forever.


Akame yelled again as tatsumi was  looking into akame's eyes his vision was beginning to blur knowing that it'll soon be the end.

Tatsumi:'at least the empire will soon fall, and soon everyone in the world will soon be safe at last'

after that tatsumi closed his eyes ready to except his fate.

(T/n):At least,J died saving innocent people. 

Tatsumi:I...I'm sor..Sorry,akame.

Tatsumi barely whispered as he was going to pass away and soon,tatsumi saw a light knowing that he lived a good life.

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