Return By Death in Action and Explanation

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Will:After That Annoying Night,It's time For a new Day Of Viewing The Multiverse but Instead,Watch These.

After it Ended,Some of The people In The Theater Puked And Others Were Wondering How Subaru Can Act like He Still has ANY Sanity but The Re:Zero Cast......

Emilia:THAT NEVER HAPPENED!Subaru didn't die,Especially Multiple Times.

Rem:Yes And I Would Never Harm Subaru,I Love Subaru.

(A/n)/Future Rem Agrees With her Younger Self As in Her Own Timeline,Subaru Is The Same As The Subaru in the Theater....But He Vanished As He Apparently Went Back to His home.

(A/n):He Was And I'll Always Love.

Subaru:Wait,you Said "Was".....AM I DEAD FOR GOOD?!


(A/n):No No,It's Just that....You Disappeared And We Found A Note In your Hand Writing,I Still have it.

She Takes The Note Out And Everyone Looks at It As It says....

"I'm Finally Going Home,So This Is Goodbye.......Forever"


(Y/n) & Subaru Looked At the Note And Realized it Must Mean That Subaru Finally Went back to His World but left Everyone in the World He Came To hate and Love Behind Along with it's People.

Emilia:Though,That Doesn't Explain This......"Return By Death"

(Y/n):It's His Isekai Power And The power activates once Subaru dies, sending him back to a predetermined point in time with his memories intact.


(Bf/n):Why else Do you think he Was Being Murdered And You Murdered Him In one Of Them-


Ram Wraps Her Arms Around Her Blue Haired Sister and tries to calm her down as Rem Bursts In tears.

Will:Yeah.....Well,Sorry but It's The Truth.

Puck Appeared And Decided To Ask A Question To Anybody That could Answer And He Would Really Wanna Know.

Puck:How Many Times Has Subaru Died?

Will,Subaru,(Y/n),Echo:17 Times,Each More Painful than the Last.

Puck Turned Pale At The Sound Of The That And Began to wonder like Everyone Else,How is He Still Sane?

Will:Also Puck,You were One of his Murderers and Killed Him........Twice.

Puck Pales As The Only Reason He would Kill Is If Emilia Was Killed Meaning that he Would Freeze the World,So That's one Death But What's the Other?

Ram:I Was Cruel To Barasu Despite Him Going Through THAT!

(M/n):It's Troubling,Me,I Know.

Will:Yeah........Now,To Give You Memories Of Every Timeline Event before Subaru Was Murdered in Them.

Subaru & (Y/n):NO!

Will Snaps His Finger Causing The Re:Zero Cast To Remember Everything That Happened In The Alternate Timelines and they Were Shocked,Ram and Her Future Self Were green In the Face.

(S/n):Mom,You Okay?


Ram:How could I?

Ram Turns To her sister and saw Her Crying Again but She Knows why....


Meanwhile In A Bathroom is The Future selves Of the Sisters Eho Are Shocked About they Learned.

(A/n):He Killed Himself......Just to Save Me....Why?

(M/n):I Told Him That I Was gonna Kill him But he Killed himself After saying He'll save Us And I Kept Picking On Him And Being Mean to Him.

(M/n) Remembers All the times She Was Mean To Subaru And Began to regret It Now.

The Sisters Heard A Knock on the door And heard the Voice of (F/n) And The two Go Somewhere to chat.

(F/n):You Know That Nothing Will Change Between Us,I Still Love you And Remember During Our Wedding We Said "Til Death Do Us Part"

(M/n):I Know But.....I Threatened To Kill Someone And I Was A Jerk to him,I Nearly Killed Him Before.

(F/n):C'mon,You Did The Same With Me When we Met,Remember?

The Two Flashback To the Day They Met

(F/n) Was Just A Normal Teenage Inventor,So He Likes To Create Gadgets?So What?All Kids Like Something but Right now,He's Studying On How to open A Portal To other Dimensions,to Get A Better Understanding And Prove Humans Aren't Alone in the Universe.

Something Went Wrong And Malfunction Occurred And His Device Exploded Causing Something To Happen But He Didn't see it.

But Once It Did,He Did See A Pink Haired Girl Who Has one of Her eyes covered And She's Kinda Cute But The Next Thing He Knows....He Gets Roadhouse Kicked Right in The Dick.

Teen (F/n):MY DICK!

(M/n) Blushes in embarrassment As Remembered That She Injured Him because she thought He was an Enemy.


(F/n):It's Alright but I do Wonder What Subaru Himself is Doing.

(Will:He's Crying Over The Fact He Doesn't Have to hide his power Anymore Or His Pain)

Back In Theater,(Y/n) Looked At Will And Asked A Question About Today that he Wanted Answered...


Echo:My Husband Has his reasons to reveal Something Like this.

Will:Indeed I do And In fact,(Y/n),You Revealed Return By Death Once But Everyone Wanted to See What Timeline Was Next,So I Revealed It and Explained It to them And Gave Everyone The Memories Of What Happened to Better Understand.

(Y/n):I Get it,Will And At Least,Subaru Can Stop Hiding the Pain And talk To them About it.

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