Return Of the Male Reader Ships

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Will:Hey Everyone,Guess What I Got?

(Y/n):portals Home?

Will:No.....More Ships!

Everyone(Who Knows):OH NO!

Will(Kool-Aid Man):Oh Yeah!

(Y/n) X Exes/& Annabelle

All of Your Exes And Annabelle herself(Since She Was An Ex-Girlfriend But Not Anymore)Were Grabbing Your Body As The All Have A Face That says "We're Gonna Rape You" And Your Face Just Looks like You Want Help or That You Realized Your FUCKED.....Literally.

Coral/Stella/Sam/Daisy/Zoey/Viven/Annabelle:'I Would Totally Do That But Those Little Do That To Him And it's Good to Know That It Was ME Who Took His First Time!'

(Y/n):'I wonder If I Should Tell Them That I Wasn't A Virgin When I Got With ANY Of Them Except Coral Since She DID Take It'

(Y/n) X Mirajane

You and Mira Were On a Beach In Nice And Good Swimwear As the Two Of You Were Staring at The Stars Above.

Mira:Well....I Wouldn't Mind That Or To Be With (Y/n).

Coral/Stella/Sam/Daisy/Zoey/Viven/Annabelle:NOT HAPPENING!HE'S MINE!

The 7 Girls Proceeded To Argue With One Another As Everyone Else Ignored it as They Know THAT "Song And Dance"

(Y/n):Yeah......I Already have Enough With My Knucklehead Of A Friend.


Tsuyu:Keep it Going*Ribbit*

(Y/n) X "Tsu"

The Two Were Sitting And Relaxing As You had Wrapped Your Shoulder Around her As She has the face Of a Happy Frog...Kinda Like this.

(Y/n):Cute Smile,Tsuyu

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(Y/n):Cute Smile,Tsuyu.

Tsuyu(Blush):Thanks But I'm Pretty Sure I Told You to Call Me Tsu.

(Y/n):If You Did Than I Don't Recall But Okay.

(Y/n) X Diana

Diana Was Wearing Her Flight Class Uniform As She Was Flying On A Broom And flew Beside Her Using A Jetpack.

(Y/n):Diana?Eh.....Sorry But She's A bit of an...Uptight Bitch!



Will:Well.....One More and I'll Ask Others What They I should Show you.

(An:Basically Ask You Readers What The Next Chapter Should be)

(Y/n) X Celeste

You Were In a Tuxedo And in a Chair with Celeste Sitting In Your Lap with a Sultry Look In Her eyes.

Will:And That's All And Next We're Gonna Watch.

Ashido:Hey,Where's (Y/n)?

Bailey:Big Brother's Gone?

Will Sighs And points in a direction As they All See ALL SEVEN Of The Girls that (Y/n) Dated Were Dragging Him And they Had Horny In Their Eyes.


(T/n):Don't Worry Bro,I'm Coming For Ya!

Will:...........Well,That Happened.

The Y/N Multiverse(Real World Reader) 2:Multiple MultiversesWhere stories live. Discover now