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*Okay,here's an Official chapter but warning,It's gonna Get Shocking*

Everyone was Relaxing in the theater As For some reason,today was Just That Day!No problems,No yelling,No chases,No Issei-Bashing,No Reactions,Just a Plain good Time to really Relax.

Will:*Sigh*Something's Gonna Happen....Especially after what the guys did to me after we won the bowling tournament.

Echo was Holding wyatt and Even Knitting A Onesie for him as Kūsho and Avalyn try to make their Grandson laugh.

Remnant Characters are Just Talking about their Own world.

Quirk Users are just Wondering what's next except mineta is trying and Failing To be a Creep.

And everyone else is doing their own thing.

Like Smg4 crew watching Memes with mario laughing like Homer.


Those of the real world were Just watching Youtube videos or In Coral's and Zoey's Case,Videos of (Y/n) taking a shower or Just Sleeping.

With everything too peachy,Here comes the Chaos.

Everyone turns to see A girl enter The theater but to their Surprise,It wasn't just Any Girl as This Girl......

Everyone turns to see A girl enter The theater but to their Surprise,It wasn't just Any Girl as This Girl

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Will:'Looks like a genderbent version of My Stage 3 form'

She Says nothing But charges at Will but problem.....he changed into stage 3

And simply blocked her attack as well as send her flying with his Scythe but she tried to attack him again with energy strikes and he dodged except

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And simply blocked her attack as well as send her flying with his Scythe but she tried to attack him again with energy strikes and he dodged except....he heard a Crack and saw his limiter break......his Third Limiter.

Will:You.........You Shouldn't Have Done That!

Suddenly,Will was Enveloped in Darkness as he Morphed into something else.

Suddenly,Will was Enveloped in Darkness as he Morphed into something else

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Dark Will:You Really Shouldn't Have Done That.

Everyone but echo,Avalyn and Kūsho Looks at Will In fear as His Parents and His wife are surprised and shocked By his form.

(Y/n):Will......What is This?

Dark Will:I'm Not Will Anymore,I'm Dark Will,I'm basically What you get when you combine the power of the void with Negative emotions and Losing the 3 limiters. said you had 2.

Dark Will:I lied to Keep everyone Safe And-MURDER!

Will shakes his head as He continues speaking.

Dark Will:Sorry,I can only maintain Sanity for A short time but after that,I lose control and become something else,So now....

Will looks towards the intruder and says...

Dark Will:Time to Care of you and get rid of you and Change back Before....I GO FERAL!HAHAHA

Dark Will Charges at The girl And Proceeds to Beat mercilessly without stopping a beat and when he did,he was gonna go for the kill,If it wasn't for Echo putting his limiters back on him Causing him to revert back to normal Will.

Will:Oh God.....I always hate turning into Dark Will.

Echo Looks at her Husband and says with an Annoyed voice.

Echo:You Explain that Form,Later!

Will Nods and Looks At the Girl as She Returns to her base form.

Will Nods and Looks At the Girl as She Returns to her base form

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Avalyn and Kūsho Gasp As it Appears they know who it Is.

Avalyn:I.....I Can't believe it.

Kūsho:She........She's here.

Will was confused by his parents,Who the hell is This Girl?they Looks directly at him and simply say.

Kūsho:Will,This May seem Unbelievable But This Girl Is....

Avalyn:Your twin Sister,Chiyo.....we Lost her the day that we lost You.

Will was at a Loss for words.....this Girl that he was Beating,Hurting,Nearly killed.......Was His Sister?he Looks At the Girl,one More Time and repeats it.

Will:this girl who apparently is named Chiyo is My....Sister?

The Y/N Multiverse(Real World Reader) 2:Multiple MultiversesWhere stories live. Discover now