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“How did you even get this?” Shalnark asked sceptically as he scanned the drive filled with information on the Zoldyck Family sitting in his palm. 

Hisoka brought back the USB to the Spiders so that Shalnark could hack into the files and reveal any hidden information. Instead, all of them were being wary of where he had even gotten it in the first place. Almost as if he didn't help them steal a whole shipment of cocaine to sell themselves on the black market. 

“I have my ways,” Hisoka replied from where he was lying on his stomach on the couch, his phone buzzing every few minutes. He knew that it was Illumi trying to contact him but the redhead would ignore him for now–he performs a lot better when he's angered. “But if you don't want it, I can always just return it.” 

Chrollo looked at him with a hard gaze before turning to Shalnark with a sigh. “Let's just have a look at it.” 

The blond reluctantly connected the USB to his computer and blue eyes widened in surprise as they began to briefly scan each folder. “This has everything–auction dates, future deals and new products being sold on the black market. Dammit!” Shalnark suddenly cursed and everyone turned to him. “This may be what we need but there's absolutely nothing on the Zoldyck family themselves. It's almost as if they're not connected to any of this…” 

Phinks chose that moment to speak up. “Well, Hisoka might know what Illumi Zoldyck looks like. He stole that USB straight from his laptop.”

All eyes turned to him expectantly, Machi furrowing her brows worriedly. She was the only one out of all the Spiders who knew about what was really going on between Hisoka and Illumi behind closed doors. Machi just hoped he wouldn't mention anything stupid. 

The redhead closed his eyes and chuckled to himself, placing his chin on the back of his hand. “Who's to say I met him when I took it? Besides, even if I did know, I'd prefer for it to be my own secret~.” 

“Hisoka.” Phinks' voice came out as a growl as he stepped towards the other, Hisoka not even budging from his position on the couch. “You're not—” 

“I'm not what? Hiding something?” He smiled lightly. “I suppose you wouldn't know now, would you? So, let's all pretend that I'm not.” 

“Who does your loyalty lie with, Hisoka?” 

“If I'm being honest, I'm loyal to nobody else but myself, Danchou. Yet, here I am helping your little crew and I'm sure that counts for something.” Hisoka stood from the couch and stretched. “Now, if you shall all excuse me, I have errands to run. Enjoy your research.” 

Each member watched as he left and Feitan looked up at Chrollo with an annoyed glance. “Must we really work with him? He's becoming quite a pest.” 

This, of course, was true. Hisoka had never gotten along with the Phantom Troupe even when he had first joined and his current behaviour was causing him to become even more insufferable. 

“We don't but,” Chrollo tore his eyes away from the empty doorway, “he's becoming a lot more useful than I expected. Hisoka knew about the drugs and now the USB–it all just confirms that he knows about something else.” He's definitely met Illumi Zoldyck. 

It was silent as Machi nervously chipped at her nail polish, her expression blank as usual. If Chrollo found out about his relationship, he would be dead for sure. 

“Machi, are you alright?” Shizuku asked in her usual quiet monotone, trying not to gain the attention of the others. 

She nodded absently before stuffing her hands into her pockets. “Yeah, I just need some fresh air. I'll be back in a second.” With that Machi walked up to the door, not waiting for Shizuku's reply. 

While deep in thought, she walked down the dimly lit halls of their hideout and stopped in front of a room where she was sure that Hisoka was. The redhead had his own apartment but this was the room he had chosen to make his own whenever they had long jobs. 

Machi knocked sharply several times, a curt 'come in' was said and she walked in. The sight of Hisoka smiling at his phone while laying across the mattress was enough to make her glare sharply. 

“You know, I didn't expect him to get so mad,” the redhead mumbled with an excited shiver. Usually, after a night of sex Hisoka would be left limping for several days and that was when Illumi was in a moderately good mood. However, Hisoka couldn't help but be curious about the results of his anger. 

“Are you insane?” Machi asked angrily, her fists clenched by her sides. 

“Hmm? In what way?” Hisoka asked curiously, looking at his friend with a smile. 

The pink-haired girl closed the door and walked towards him, her purple eyes narrowed in annoyance. “Do you understand the danger of exposing yourself in any way? Chrollo will dispose of you.” 

Hisoka stared at her in surprise before laughing softly. “It's nice of you to worry, Machi but all I do is sleep with Illumi. Nothing more. I mean, I do steal from him but all he gets is to use me in return.” He grinned. “It's a fair deal don't you think?” 

She knew how reckless the redhead could be but if he continued any further, things could go completely south. “Just be careful, alright? I don't want anything happening to you.” 

Hisoka gave her a genuine smile. “I love that you worry for me but I'll be fine, Machi.” The redhead's phone vibrated, indicating a new text and he looked at it, only for his smile to fall. “Oh, it seems that Illumi has cancelled our little date.” 


“Oh, something about a business dinner but I'm sure that I can squeeze myself in.”

Machi narrowed her eyes. “Do you want to die?” 

“Maybe just a little.”


hisoka really be acting up in this one

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