character interview special 2. + announcement

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Machi, Chrollo, Leorio, Kurapika, Gon, Killua, Alluka, Kalluto, Milluki, Han Ru and the rest of the Zoldyck family enter a building and are led by the producer into seperate rooms.

Machi sits in vacant chair with a blank expression and props her feet up onto the table.

Producer: Excuse me but could you please remove your feet from the table?

M: Why?

Producer: Well, um, you're leaving scuff marks on the furniture...

Machi places her feet on the floor and let's out a loud sigh.

M: Mind telling me why I'm here?

Producer: Just a few harmless questions for character screening.

M: Uh-huh... Go ahead, I guess.

Q: machi, what was your first impression of hisoka?

M: I guess you could say that I didn't really enjoy his company much when we first met because he was rather... annoying. But after a while, you realise that he's the same as everyone else. He's just been so defensive for so long it takes a while for anyone to even realise it. Don't tell Hisoka I said that though or I'll kill you.

Q: will you ever try to hurt chrollo for manipulating hisoka?

M: Just know that the only Christmas present that fucking asshole is getting is a bloody bullet in his thick skull. After Hisoka told me about what happened between them, Lucilfer doesn't even deserve to breathe the same air as him. You get it, don't you?

The producer nervously nods their head as a way to not anger her.

M: Good.

Q: how did you join the troupe?

M: Same old tragic story for most people who live in Meteor City, really. Parents die, you find yourself stealing just to survive and then one day, I stole from the wrong people. I was trapped in the Spider's lair for a week and then Chrollo came to me and said that if I wanted a way out, I'd have to fight one of the members. I fought them, of course but them dying just wasn't part of the plan. It was both of our bad luck in the end.

There was a moment of silence.

M: Can we move on to the next question?

Q: are you and shizuku together?

M: I wish but I'm not really sure if she's even interested in me.

Producer: Why would you think that?

Machi shrugs.

Q: do you have someone you care about outside of the troupe?

M: No. There's no one besides Shizuku and Hisoka at this point in my life. The troupe is all I have and it will be for a long time.

Q: are you happy?

M: Do I have to answer that?

Producer: No, you don't.

M: Thank you.

Machi stands up and walks out of the room, leaving the producer by themself.

Producer: I suppose that it's on to the next person.

Chrollo is sitting at a table, impatiently tapping his fingers against the wooden surface of the desk.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13 ⏰

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