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"Hisoka where are you? You were supposed to meet me at the troupe's hideout an hour ago," Machi grumbled in annoyance, scraping the bottom of her heeled combat boots against the gravel.

Hisoka rolled his eyes at her nagging and closed his bedroom door. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be there in a second. There's no need for you to be so thirsty for my presence."

She playfully rolled her purple eyes and stuffed her hand into her pocket, leaning against the wall. "Very funny," Machi mumbled sarcastically, seeing Phinks and Pakunoda walk towards the entrance. "But seriously, everyone's almost here."

"I get it. I'll be there s—" Hisoka froze when he pulled the door open. "Sorry, I got distracted. I'll be there soon. Bye, Machi."

It was awkwardly silent as the two men in the doorway looked at each other, two contrasting pairs of eyes staring at each other.

"Hi," Illumi greeted with a blank expression, Hisoka subconsciously fixating his gaze to the floor. "Can we talk?"

"Now isn't really a good time," the redhead told him while folding his arms over his torso. "I have to get going and...and, um..." He trailed off when he saw an unreadable look in the other man's eyes. "Okay but only for 5 minutes."

Hisoka and Illumi sat side by side on the couch, a large amount of space between the two of them. It had been weeks since they had last seen or spoken to each other, the usual lustful atmosphere being replaced with an uneasy tension.

"You've been avoiding me."

Hisoka pursed his lips, feeling that this conversation wouldn't be pleasant for either of them. "I've been busy."

"We both know that's utter bullshit." Illumi leaned his head against the back of the couch, letting out a deep sigh. "You always make time no matter how busy you are. You're hiding something aren't you?"

"I'm not," he replied while staring down at his lap.

"Then what is it?" Illumi knew how desperate he must have sounded but he could do little to care. He needed–craved for Hisoka's presence and there was little time for him to care about how he spoke.

Hisoka couldn't tell Illumi anything, no matter how much he wanted to. But he could admit to something else. "I just don't think I can be–should be–with you anymore. The feelings I have are too much for me to bear and the fact that you can't return them hurts even more."

The dark-haired male looked at him in shock, the rest of his words getting blocked out as he focused on the redhead's face. Hisoka was confessing to him, something that Illumi had never expected in the time that they'd known each other.

This was different from Hisoka's uncaring and seductive behaviour, he was vulnerable and this was surprising.

"So, if you don't want to see me after this, I understand." A hand cradling the nape of his neck at the end of his speech surprised him, Hisoka looking up with wide eyes. "Illumi...?"

Their lips met for a heated kiss and the older male blushed as a soft whimper was muffled in his mouth, remembering how great it felt to kiss Illumi. Hisoka was pushed onto his back as Illumi hovered above him, his fingers threading through his long hair.

A sense of unwanted guilt filled both of their chests and they simultaneously pulled away from each other. "Illumi, I—"

"My family wants me to get married."

"W-What?" The pained look in Hisoka's eyes only made his guilt worse and he let himself be gently pushed away. "Then why are you— Is this some kind of joke to you?"

"Of course not!" Illumi pulled at his hair in frustration. "I'm not even going to marry her out of love, it's just for business and to help her family. And she knows that," he sighed. "But if I had a choice, I think I would like to choose you. I just wanted you to know that."

The news was a lot for Hisoka to process but he could only feel grateful that Illumi had told him. "Who is she?"

"Her name is Han Ru, she's from the Xi-Yu family. We met the morning that we last saw each other."

Naturally, the redhead knew of the Xi-Yu's distinguished background and wasn't surprised that Illumi's family had suggested that they get married. Hisoka couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious. "You don't think that you'll like her at some point, will you?"

Illumi raised a brow at the sudden question. "I don't think that's possible because I'm gay from what I can tell. Besides, I'd like to give us a chance."

"Okay," he replied with a small nod. They inched closer, but Hisoka faltered, looking up to meet Illumi's gaze. "I need to tell you something. I've been—"

"Am I interrupting something?"

Hisoka's blood ran cold as his body tensed up at the familiar voice, Illumi feeling the shift in body language under his touch. His dark eyes glared at Chrollo who returned his gaze, walking into the apartment.

Chrollo smiled and stopped in front of them, grey eyes examining their intimate position. "I'm guessing that you must be, Illumi Zoldyck? It's so good to meet the new head of the Zoldyck Family in person."

"And you're Chrollo Lucilfer, yes?" Illumi stood up and the two men sized each other up, Hisoka feeling nervous. "I've heard quite a few things about you."

"I hope it was all...good." The troupe leader gave the redhead a sharp look and Illumi suspiciously narrowed his eyes when he saw him visibly flinch. "I apologise for the intrusion but we have arrangements and Hisoka is late."

"What type of arrangements?" Illumi inquired suspiciously as Hisoka stood up from the couch, Lucilfer grabbing his wrist.

The grey-eyed man's gaze darkened and his hand tightened around the older male's arm, but the emotionless smile remained on his face. "Nothing you should concern yourself about. Let's go, Hisoka."

As the two walked towards the door, Illumi made eye contact with Hisoka who was already looking at him. The worried look in the younger male's clearly asking, Will you be okay? Hisoka nodded his head a small smile of reassurance on his lips. Though it did little to make him feel better, Illumi was slightly more calm than before and he watched as the door closed.

"Let go of me!" Hisoka hissed as he violently pulled his arm away from Chrollo. He rubbed at the red bruise glowing against his pale skin, his yellow eyes glaring at the man next to him.

"You didn't say anything, did you?" Lucilfer questioned.

"No, I didn't," he replied, beginning to walk away from his boss. Hisoka didn't think that he would freeze up in such a way in front of Illumi but he hadn't expected Chrollo to show up so suddenly.

He stepped into the elevator and remained silent even as Lucilfer stood next to him. The younger male pressed a button and let his light gaze slide over to the redhead. "You know, I'm quite surprised that you've made that rich boy fall for you."

Hisoka continued to rub at his wrist, not bothering to look at him. "What? You jealous?"

"Why would I even dare to feel such a disgusting emotion?" Chrollo leaned closer towards him, Hisoka forcing himself to stand his ground. "I'm just surprised that he fell for someone with such a tainted past... Or does he not know?"

His silence proved to be the only response Lucilfer needed and he smiled while backing away. "You're better off alone, Hisoka. You should know this by now."


here is your angst, whores.

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