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"No, give it back!"

"But I want to play with you!"

"I'm busy."

"Busy with what?"

"With 'girl stuff'! Now, give it back before you rip it."

The bedroom door was ripped open and Illumi glared down at his two youngest siblings as they fought over a stuffed rabbit. "If you don't stop arguing outside of my door, I'll rip through it with a bullet."

Kalluto quickly let go, Alluka looking up at her oldest brother with wide eyes. "Nī-san, that's not nice," Alluka told him sternly before holding onto Kalluto's hand. "Come on, Kallu-chan. Let's go argue somewhere else."

The young boy was greatly confused by the statement but followed his sister nonetheless, a crease between his brows. Illumi watched as they left, baffled by his sister's behaviour.

He slowly closed the bedroom door and sat at the edge of his bed, staring at his phone that was sitting atop the neatly made sheets. Illumi had been trying to reach Hisoka for the past few days but the older male declined every single one of his calls. And when the redhead did reply, he would inaudibly mumble something about having to go then hang up.

But Hisoka's behaviour only proved to be the least of Illumi's worries as Kikyo had decided that Han Ru was moving in. Naturally, he was the least bit excited and only proved to be displeased by his mother's sudden decision. Silva himself was irresponsible for allowing her to take advantage of her power so loosely.

Illumi sighed in frustration and fell back onto his bed. At a time like this, he would be with Hisoka but his sudden isolation was proving to make that difficult.

The dark-haired male wasn't even sure if he missed him per se, it was merely his lack of presence that seemed off. He'd grown so accustomed to his company that this unusual distance only made him uncomfortable...

Maybe Illumi had begun to grow fond of him?

He mutely shook his head and threw an arm over his eyes. The idea of Illumi even having any type of affection towards Hisoka was out of the question. They both had an agreement and he was sure that Hisoka would not hesitate to end it if he realised this.

Illumi would have to keep the feeling to himself.

In the meantime, he had to go welcome Han Ru and her father alongside his parents when they arrived. Meaning that his personal worries should be pushed to the side.

When Illumi reached the foyer, his entire family was already there waiting, Kalluto and Alluka still holding hands and the stuffed animal now in the young boy's arm. It looks as if they made up, he thought to himself and stood between his mother and Milluki.

The decision proved to be unwise as Kikyo kept pestering him on his choice of outfit. "Could you not have worn something brighter?"

"No," Illumi muttered, trying hard to not roll his eyes.

"Well, you should have," Kikyo huffed, flicking her fan open. "This is a lunch to celebrate our union with the Xi Family, not some funeral."

It will be if you don't keep quiet, he thought while silently looking at her. "Must you be so difficult, mother?"

"Me? Difficult? The only difficult one is you, Illumi dear. If you would listen to me once in a while then-"

The door opening made her go silent and the entire Zoldyck family directed their focus toward it. Han Ru was standing at the doorway in a sky blue Hanfu, her caramel skin radiant against its light colours. She entered the house joined by two female servants from her own family and greeted her new in-laws with a polite bow.

"It's so wonderful to finally meet all of you," Han Ru said with a genuine smile, all of Illumi's siblings staring at her in awe. "I would just like to apologise if my sudden arrival has interrupted your day."

"Oh, not at all. We are just glad that you're here." It was Zeno who spoke and the old man stepped forward, a wrinkled hand at his long beard. "It's good to finally meet you. I'm Zeno, Illumi's grandfather."

"It's good to meet you, too, Master Zeno," she replied with a bow, the old man smiling.

"Xi Liang did inform me of your good manners."

"I hope it was amongst other things as well."

Zeno laughed and shook his head. "Let me introduce you to the rest of my grandchildren since you are already familiar with Illumi."

So, the introductions began with Han Ru memorising each of the children's names, a smile on her face. When she was about to reach Kalluto, the young boy gave his oldest brother a worried glance and Illumi smiled reassuringly. He proceeded to shyly say his name to the older woman, who gave him a wide smile.

"Will your father not be joining us for lunch?"

Han Ru looked at Kikyo with a small frown. "My father's in a meeting with my cousins at the moment but he'll be joining us later. Oh, and before I forget. My family has brought you all gifts so if you could please follow me outside."

Kikyo was one of the first people out of the door and the rest of the family followed, Illumi staying behind with a look of disinterest. This whole arrangement only seemed to drain him and the thought of having to go through with it annoyed him.

Illumi absently pulled out his phone, thinking of calling Hisoka once again but hesitated over the call button.

He was getting so needy it was pathetic.

"You don't appear to be pleased with this arrangement."

Illumi looked at his grandfather with a sharp glare, his grip tightening around his phone. "Don't act as if you're unaware of the reason behind it," he told him pointedly.

Zeno sighed. "Of course, I am but you need to understand that this entire family's reputation was built on sacrifices. This trivial marriage does not amount to anything your father and I had to do to be where we are today-"

"I know what you two did! I have witnessed every single crime that this family has committed and if any trace of them were to be leaked, we wouldn't be where we are today," Illumi seethed angrily, keeping his voice low so as to not be overheard. "But do not think that for one second I'd ever want to do something like this. Especially for this family."

Zeno did not realise how the entire ordeal had been weighing on his grandson until he heard the crack in his voice. The old man's expression softened and he turned his gaze away from Illumi. "I understand that this must be frustrating for you but bear with it at the moment. Please. For your sake."

"How can I even think to bear with something like this? I may have rightfully inherited the family business but my decision will never matter as long as my parents are around."

You know that's not true... "It will change with time, I promise," Zeno informed Illumi while gently patting his shoulder. His grandfather began to walk away from him but the old man paused for a moment. "And even though it's been a while since you and whoever you're seeing have talked, I really do hope you make up."

Illumi watched as he left, his dark brows furrowed in thought. "I hope so too..."


zeno might be my grandaddy but who agrees with what he said?

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