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It was now Illumi's turn to take Alluka, Killua and Kalluto to school but the task seemed tedious now that he had to deal with the 'Hisoka problem'. Taking his siblings to school was probably one of the few things that Illumi looked forward to but he was too busy confirming the meeting with his supplier. Which resulted in him cancelling his 'date' with Hisoka-not that he cared.

Though it would've been nice to let off some steam.

He looked up from his phone and saw Killua and Alluka chatting happily with each other while Kalluto picked nervously at his jacket sleeve. Both of his older siblings were now in Junior High together while Kalluto was still in Elementary School. Of course, it was his final year but his inability to form friendships was making it harder for him.

The limo stopped in front of Killua and Alluka's school and the girl turned to her youngest brother with a bright smile. "We'll see you after school, okay, Kallu-chan?"

Kalluto nodded slowly, his eyes glued to his lap. "Okay," he said quietly.

Alluka's smile faltered slightly and Killua also looked on in concern. "Well, um, goodbye Illunī-san..."

Illumi waved at the two kids as they left before glancing worriedly at his youngest sibling. "Kalluto?" The boy looked up warily. "Do you want me to walk you into school today?"

He pursed his lips, his brows furrowed in thought as he stared at his feet. After a few minutes of silence, Kalluto nodded. "Yes, please," he mumbled.

His oldest brother smiled but it was brief and quickly disappeared a few moments later. Kalluto always liked it when Illumi showed affection like this but after taking over the family business, he'd been doing it less and less. He couldn't help but be worried.

The limo finally parked in front of Hunter Elementary and Kalluto grabbed his backpack before stepping out, waiting patiently for Illumi. The Mafia leader stepped onto the pavement and closed the door, looking down in surprise when he felt Kalluto grab his hand.

He only does this when he's anxious, Illumi remembered silently.

Illumi squeezed the boy's hand in reassurance and they walked together through the school gates. A few parents and their kids turned to look at them, making Kalluto press against his brother's side, face blank.

Kalluto didn't understand why people always stared at them. Illumi had walked him into school countless times already so the idea of it wasn't new. The older of the two knew why they were staring though. He knew the power that their family name held.

It was the way that mothers pulled their kids towards them or looked away when they caught his eye that made a deep sense of annoyance bubble inside of Illumi. He looked down at Kalluto whose expression was blank but the tightened grip around his fingers gave way to how he really felt.

They reached the school's entrance and paused at the steps, Illumi crouching in front of the smaller boy. "Will you be fine at school?" He saw the way that Kalluto seemed to think. "I can take you home if you need me to."

"No," he replied, his pink eyes meeting Illumi's black ones, "I can stay. Father doesn't like weakness."

The long-haired male nodded, his lips pressed into a thin line. It was always their father's opinion that seemed to matter the most to Kalluto and it worried Illumi greatly. "Alright, I'll come to pick you up after school."

Kalluto waved at Illumi as he walked away, watching the limo drive off before turning around. He walked up the steps and through the doors, kids who were already inside avoiding him as he wandered down the corridor. His class was starting in a few minutes which made him relieved and Kalluto scurried to the back where his graffiti-covered desk was.

Kalluto's desk was right in the corner of the class with both of the desks in front of and next to him empty. At first, he hadn't minded since he had Alluka to hang out with but now she was gone. The loneliness didn't seem all that bearable anymore.

The bell finally rang after what seemed to be the longest time and his classmates filed into class, naturally ignoring Kalluto at the back. Chairs scraped across the floor as the teacher walked in, followed by a short boy with almost cropped brown hair.

"Morning students, I would like to introduce a new addition to our class." All of the kids focused on the front to look at the boy standing next to their teacher.

"Hi, my name's Zushi. It's nice to meet all of you," he greeted with a bright smile and most of the kids smiled back.

The teacher nodded her head before placing a hand on his shoulder. "Why don't you go take a seat so I can start the lesson?"

Zushi nodded and walked down the small aisle between the desks, smiling when he saw an empty desk.

Kalluto had his eyes glued to his desk so he didn't notice when the desk next to him became occupied, only looking up when the chair loudly scraped back. He lifted his head and saw that Zushi was now sitting next to him, a large smile on his face.


The pink-eyed boy wanted to greet back but the eyes watching him as the teacher began the lesson made him stay silent. Zushi noted this and his smile dropped as he paid attention to the lesson.

When the bell rang for lunch, Kalluto silently pulled out his lunch but looked up in surprise when another lunch box was placed in front of him. It was Zushi once again, smiling as he turned the chair in front of him around.

He smiles a lot, Kalluto thought to himself.

"Hi," Zushi greeted once again. "You don't mind if I sit here, right?"

Kalluto shook his head mutely and watched as Zushi opened up his lunch. He decided to do the same but only picked at the food silently, his brows furrowed in silent thought. "Why are you sitting with me?"

"Hmm?" The boy raised a brow before shrugging. "I don't see why I should have a reason. I just want to be friends."

The black-haired boy frowned in confusion. No one ever wanted to be his friend. "You don't know who I am?" He asked hopefully.

"Am I supposed to?"

Kalluto shook his head, clearly pleased by the fact that there was one person unaware of his background. "No. I'm Kalluto."

Zushi nodded happily. "It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too."

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