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Back in the Zoldyck mansion, a beautiful young mistress explored its halls and her curious blue eyes peeked into a room where a lovely maiden resided. The maiden looked up at the intrusion and her green eyes seemed to shimmer as she smiled.

“Come and join me, Alluka-sama,” Han Ru said, gesturing with a delicate hand towards the table which was covered in an assortment of cakes and a pot of tea.

Alluka hesitated in the door way before closing the door behind her and sitting on one of the cushions. This was probably first time she had interacted with her brother's fiancée without the presence of her family and it made the young girl nervous.

She watched as Han Ru poured them both a cup of tea and pushed one of the miniature cakes towards her. Alluka accepted both with a smile and held the cup in her hands, looking up at curiously at Han Ru.

The young woman looked beautiful even as she took a sip from the sweet beverage within the porcelain cup. Alluka felt jealousy in the pit of her stomach.

“The tea is good, yes?” Han Ru inquired with a polite smile.

Alluka was surprised by the question and bashfully hummed in agreement against the edge of the cup. “Um, may I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“So, will you be marrying my older brother?”

“If all goes well, yes,” the older woman answered skeptically.

The daughter of the Zoldyck house bit her lip nervously. “Then that would mean, that you would become my older sister?”

Han Ru smiled. “I would like to think that.”

“I've never had an older sister before,” Alluka informed her in a small voice, poking at one of the cakes with a fork.

“And I've never had a younger sister,” she replied in the same low tone. “But let's see how it all goes.”

Han Ru had never gotten the chance to have any siblings due to her mother's death, only having seen that type of relationship between her cousins. Alluka was lucky to have the experience with her brothers but Han Ru would try her best to fit the role.

“I'd like that very much, Ane-san.”


Kalluto was standing nervously by the mansion's front door, Amane, one of the Zoldycks' butlers standing by his side.

“Do you think he'll show up?”

“Of course, Young Master Kalluto.”

“Will you call me that in front of him?”

“Only if you want me to.”

“Then I don't want you to.” He paused before adding a shy, “Please.”

Amane could only smile warmly before the front door opened. Her eyes settled on a young boy about Kalluto's age with buzzcut hair letting his almond-couloured eyes look around in awe. “Waa! Kallu-kun, your house is 100 times the size of Wing-san's apartment!”

How loud… Amane thought with a nervous but welcoming smile.

Zushi walked further into the foyer and politely greeted Amane with a small bow, the young butler bowing in return. Kalluto was expecting the same formal treatment but Zushi embraced him in a curt–yet friendly and affectionate–hug then stepped away to smile at him.

“Thank you for inviting me over today,” Kalluto didn't reply to the cheery statement, trying to comprehend the affectiong he'd received from someone outside of his family. “Why are you so quiet? Did I come at a bad time?”

Kalluto tried to find the words but nothing left his mouth and he looked to Amane for help. “Don't worry, Zushi-san, Kalluto-san is just a bit nervous. But let's go to his room, shall we?”

Zushi nodded with a smile, taking his friend's hand as they followed after the butler leading them down the corridor. Kalluto found himself andwering numerous questions about each room that they passed, resulting in him talking a lot more than he was used to.

When they finally reached Kalluto's room, Amane opened the door for them and the boys walked past her.

“I'll be back soon with your snacks.” Zushi gave her a cheery “thank you!” while Kalluto said his in a much lower tone.

When she left, the brown-haired boy began to look around his new friend's bedroom. The young Zoldyck was a bit nervous about this since his room was a lot more plain than his siblings'–only a video game collection in the corner and two plushies on his bed.

“Sorry, there isn't much in my room,” Kalluto apologised as Zushi walked to he shelf stacked with video games.

“That's okay! I honestly wish my room was this big. I have way too many things,” he reassured with a bright smile. “Hey, you have Mario Kart? Can we play?”

The dark-haired boy nodded, watching as Zushi pulled the game off of the shelf. He couldn't help but think of how he and siblings all used to play the game frequently before of them became busy with their own lives.

Kalluto missed those days…

“Where did you live before moving here?” Kalluto found himself asking as he searched for controllers they could use.

Zushi sat on the floor as the game was set up. “Well, we used to move around a lot but before coming here Wing-san and I were living in York New City. But there aren't many schools there so I was homeschooled for a while. Padokea is a lot nicer though.”

Kalluto had been to York New before Silva taking his children one by one to attend the auctions. “Who's Wing-San?”

“He's my guardian. My parents can't take care of me so he took me in. Wing-san's really nice even though he shouts a lot. At me specifically.”

Kalluto wanted to ask Zushi about his parents but kept the question to himself and changed the subject. “Have you been to Meteor City?”

Zushi thought about it before nodding. “Only once. Everything there is so…different.”

“My parents met in Meteor City,” he explained while choosing a character. “My grandfather always used to tell us how in love they were and that they got married in secret.”

“Did they never have a proper wedding?”

“I don't think so,” Kalluto shrugged. “I usually think they were so happy with what they had, that it didn't really matter.”

Zushi was visibly intrigued with the story while Kalluto only wondered if his parents still felt that passionately about each other. It seemed unlikely because of how cold they were towards one another but it would be reassuring if they still did, even though he didn't find the importance of such emotions.

The two of them hadn't realised that they'd spent most of their time talking until the door opened, a head of black hair peeking in. “Kallu-chan, what are you doing?”

“I'm about to play Mario Kart with my friend, onē-san,” he replied.

“Really? Can I join?” Alluka asked excitedly and Kalluto slowly nodded. “Let me go fetch my controller.”

“Was that your sister?”

Kalluto turned his pink gaze to his friend. “Yes, why?”

Zushi blushed. “She's really pretty.”

“I guess,” he mumbled, not really paying attention to his friend's reaction.


Just a little filler chapter for my lovelies.

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