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Han Ru was walking down the corridor, the house having a grim atmosphere due to the news of Illumi's failure. She highly doubted that it was truly his fault, especially because of how competent Illumi usually is. Han Ru was worried about him being in his room for the past few days but his parents didn't seem particularly bothered.

She stood in front of his room and brought up her fist to knock but quickly retracted her hand. What was Han Ru thinking? He doesn't want to see his family, let alone her.

Han Ru sighed and turned around, being surprised to see Kikyo looking at her from the end of the passageway. “Oh,” she bowed hastily. “Madame Kikyo, I didn't think you would be here…”

Kikyo smiled gently and her gaze behind the visor seemed to shift to Illumi's door as she walked towards the younger woman. “So, have you spoken to my son yet?”

“I haven't got the chance to do so.”

“Hm? Well, you should make it your priority. You are betrothed to him after all.”

Han Ru could sense the disappointment in her voice and hid her hands in the sleeves of her hanfu. She knew that Kikyo and Silva were waiting for the two of them to finally plan their wedding but Illumi refused to spend time with her. “I understand.”

Kikyo began to walk away, only sparing a glance at Illumi's bedroom door before disappearing around the corner.

Han Ru constantly felt like an outsider in the Zoldyck household, especially due to the older members of the family. Even though her and Alluka had become close, forming a friendship with a child was not ideal to her. She decided it was best for her to go back to her room and write a letter to her father; Han Ru hadn't heard from him in quite a while.

After returning to her room, she began writing on a piece of paper and tears collected in the corners of her eyes. She wished nothing more than to return home to her father – to return to Tai Huan. Yet, she had to stay in this agreement to protect her father and her clan.

The disgrace of failing to do so was far too great for Han Ru to handle.

After finishing her letter, she folded it and placed it in the drawer of her nightstand. Han Ru would have to send it herself first thing in the morning but for now, she would rest.


The darkness shrouding Illumi's room was beginning to become unbearable but he couldn't be bothered to open the curtain. He had spent the last few days wallowing in my own self-pity and he felt angry at the shame of it.

Illumi couldn't believe that the first time he decided to trust someone, it all decided to backfire on him. A part of him still wanted to contact Hisoka, to ask him why he did it but he should've already known that he was untrustworthy. He shouldn't have expected anything less from someone who works for Chrollo.

There was a knock at the door which he attempted to ignore but the excessive pounding was beginning to give him a headache; causing him to stand up and open the door. Standing in front of him was his grandfather and the two of them were silent before Illumi stepped aside and let him in. The lights were turned on for the first time that day and the mess in his room was revealed.

Zeno stood in the middle of the room and sighed, watching his grandson sit down on his dishevelled sheets. “Illumi, it's time for you to pull yourself together,” he stated, only to be met with pure silence. “The family can't afford to have you hiding away like this.”

“It's already too late for me to do anything and the Zodiacs will never trust us again. Especially since they think I'm stupid enough to murder their Chairman,” he mumbled with a scowl.

“That is why your father and I expect you to take care of the people responsible for what happened.” Zeno noticed as Illumi's expression became blank at his words. “You know who did it, don't you?”

His grandson pursed his lips. “That's not important.”


“It's not that easy, Grandfather…”

Zeno and Illumi were silent for a moment, his grandfather quietly seeming to understand who he was referring to when he said that. “You'll have to forget him and focus on what's important. Your father has been acting differently since this happened, especially towards Kalluto.”

Kalluto… Illumi immediately remembered what his father had done after he had gotten expelled from school and guilt caused his chest to burn. He knew that even if his grandfather attempted to intervene, it wouldn't make a difference to Silva. Illumi would try to do as his father wanted for now – for the sake of his brother.

“You also need to start spending time with that girl or else your parents might send her back. You know what her family will do to her and her father if that happens.”

A sigh passed Illumi's lips as Zeno walked out of his room and ran a hand down the length of his face. It was time for him to take care of business once again and to forget about his heartbreak – Hisoka.

It had been weeks since the two of them had spoken or seen each other but it was better this way. Their relationship wasn't meant to happen and only distracted Illumi from his duties as a Zoldyck.

It would take a while for him to move on but he didn't have much of a choice.


Colleen Hoover books make me feel like I can actually write so um... Hopefully it's better than CoHo <3

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