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“Onī-chan~,” Alluka whined childishly as she pulled on Killua's arm, urging him to enter limo parked near the sidewalk. But her older brother didn't budge as he talked to an excited Gon, the pale boy's cheeks pink. 

Alluka huffed in irritation, knowing full well that it would be a while before Killua would finish talking to his friend. 

Stupid boys with crushes, she thought while getting into the backseat and grumpily folded her arms across her chest. It took a few more minutes before Killua finally slid into the backseat, Alluka making it her mission to show how annoyed she was. 

But when Killua turned to look at her, his younger sister only looked like an angry gerbil with food in its cheeks. “Is something wrong?” He inquired with a curt laugh.

“Of course, not!” Alluka retorted defensively as the driver started the car to fetch Kalluto from school. “I just don't understand why you just don't tell Gon you love him already.”

Though that was only partly the truth, the real reason would make her look like nothing short of petty. 

“I-I have no idea what you're talking about,” Killua stuttered with red cheeks, his blue eyes looking at anything but his sister. 

“Lying is bad, onī-chan.” The comment made her older brother stick out his tongue and Alluka giggled at his actions. But her smile slowly faded when he pulled out his phone–most likely to text Gon.

Ever since Alluka went to the 7th grade and joined the same school as Killua, she couldn't deny how lonely she really was. All the ‘friends’ she had made claimed that they didn't want to hang out anymore because Alluka wasn't a ‘real girl’. 

Though this was a matter she was fully aware of. 

Her entire family had grown to accept the circumstances regarding her gender–even Kikyo who slipped up on pronouns once in a while just to gain a reaction. But the fact that her social life had come to a halt before it even started, bothered her. 

Alluka wouldn't dare tell her brother's about this situation as she didn't wish to bother them. They coddled her enough as the only girl but this wasn't an excuse to burden them with her issues. 

She hadn't even realised the limo had stopped in front of Kalluto's school until she heard the door close after her younger brother walked in. Kalluto had his usual emotionless expression but Alluka noticed the lightness in his mood and turned to him. “How was school, Kallu-chan?”

“It was okay,” he said with a nod. “My friend, Zushi and I made bracelets for each other during art class.”

“You did?”

“Yes. It was kind of fun,” Kalluto replied absently before noticing the grim expression on his sister's face. “Onē-san? Are you okay?” 

The question made Killua worriedly look up from his phone but Alluka hurriedly nodded in reassurance. “I couldn't be better,” she told him cheerily. 

Her younger brother was anything but convinced, yet he still pretended he was just to ease his sister's worries. “Okay.”


When all of the Zoldyck siblings made it back home, they each walked to their respective room–Killua making a show of dragging his bag on the floor just to show how tired he was. 

Alluka was met by Tsubone near the entrance, the old woman sticking out a hand as she waited for the young mistress to hand over her bag. “How was your day, Miss Alluka?”

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