"King Elessar! You have to decide now! If you want to make your mark on your rule then it is now! Show them you are someone who can't be messed with" One of the council members calls out to Aragorn. I sigh irritated.
Gosh, this is not going to end well. And the best thing is; the other council members know. They all step back, I see the fear in their eyes.
And they are all looking at me to step in. To calm Aragorn down before he gets angry. But I stay put on my marble throne. I grip the skirts of my dress tightly in my hands and hold back the smirk I wanna give. But I feel the tension in the air. The men of the Reunited Kingdom are looking terrified at their king as he turns swiftly around. His blue-grayish eyes blazing with fury as the man speaks these words to him. "Ego" Aragorn curses at him and I have to bite my tongue to stop my laughter.
Ego is elvish for Fuck off.And I really love the word.
"I have to decide nothing. The welfare and the safety of my people goes before my own fame. And there are still Uruks roaming our lands..." I can hear his anger, his words are fast and I know he wants to punch the man. I can see it in every move he makes. His hands, now knuckles. His back is straightened up, ready for a fight. He rolls his sleeves up in irritation. The man, whose name I always forget. Something with a N, I thought.
"But what does the young queen think of this all?" He dares to state as the man looks at me. I look at him; his broad shoulders and his long blond hair makes him appear as a Rohirim horseman. He is indeed good-looking.Not as good as my Aragorn of course.
"What do I think?" I say thoughtfully as I stand up from my throne. "I think that king Elessar is right. That we have to think about the safety of our people. And not his so-called fame..." I step down the stairs and lay my hand on my husband's shoulders. I feel him relax under my touch. And I take his hand in my other hand. "He is famous already" I state, which causes laughter from the other men who stand in the Hall of Kings. "But..." the man tries again. "No Nendir. The queen has spoken" Another man, who I know as Lord Turin steps forward. I like him, he was the first when I had my first council ever to speak normally to me. And he makes me feel at ease in my position as Queen. Nendir opens his mouth to speak again. But he knows when he is defeated. "What does the king command?" Lord Turn asks, his voice joyful. Aragorn squeezes my hand tightly. "Send out our soldiers, to exterminate the last Uruks who roam our lands. So our people are safe once more and our wealth can prosper" Is Aragorn's final decision. He sounds so tense. Nendir is still looking at me and I see it in his eyes. Something I cannot place but it gives me the shivers and then this smirk.The men leave the council and go through the great iron doors outside to the Citadel. Where the White Tree is standing, the sign of Aragorn reign.
"Aragorn" I say softly as my husband is still holding my hand tightly in his. "Come" He grunts.
Is he still angry?I let him guide me out of the Hall of Kings through the corridors to our rooms. Aragorn closes the doors behind us and guides me towards our four-poster bed. His eyes look hungry at me. "I need you" He growls.
"Aragorn" I say, but it is more a whisper coming from my lips. I set my hands on his chest and try to push him away as he falls on top of me, kissing my roughly.
Valar, what has come over him?
"Aragorn!" I yell but he doesn't stop, his lips keep attacking me. And I always enjoy this, Valar. I love this man. But now, my body is stiffening. "Aragorn!" I yell again and try to push him away. His eyes find mine and his pupils grow wide as he sees the fear in my own eyes.
"Manwê" Aragorn curses as he quickly pulls away from me. He scrambles from the bed and walks backwards to the door. My heart is hammering in my chest. In two years of marriage, of knowing him. He has never done this before. I too scramble off the bed and rush without a word past the Ranger-king and pull the doors open and flee. I hear him call out to me, the tears in his low voice. But I grab my skirts and run, out of our chambers, through the corridors to the Citadel, down the first level, to the second where the stables are.

The Tenth Walker - Aragorn Fanfiction
FanfictionSara is just a ordinary girl. She has heard of the Lord of the Ring books but never read one. But what happens if she falls into the greatest stories ever told. What happens if she becomes part of the Fellowship of the ring? What happens when she be...