In Which Everything Goes Wonderfully Wrong.

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'This way! Hurry!' Gandalf calls out as we follow him through Moria. I can hear the cries of the creatures as they are coming closer. I clutch my sword tighter in my hand. Not wanting to lose it. I make sure the boys are running in front of me so I can protect them...

'Faster!' Boromir yells as the creatures come closer. They are closing in on us.. O bloody...

But a deafening roar fills the air. A light dances down the hallway and all the creatures disappear in the dark again.

I shrug.

Why are they backing off?

'What is this new devilry' Boromir hisses as we stand closer to each other. A huge shadow appears and it looks like fire is surrounding it. The ground of Moria shakes as the shadow is coming closer. 'A Balrog ... a demon of the ancient world! This foe is beyond any of you!' Gandalf says in a quiet tone. We all look to the shadow that is coming closer and closer. 'Run! Quickly!' Gandalf yells urgently and we rush after the wizard.

For an old man he has a hell of a condition.

Instead of my own, that is nothing. The last time I was in the gym, was-.

I don't even know!

Note to self, if I survive this, I have to go to the gym more.

My shoulder is flaring with pain and I feel the blood soaking out of it. My leg is not hurting that much, but it stings...

Again I feel Aragorn's gaze upon me, but I keep running. I can't give in!

We follow Gandalf into another huge chamber and the bridge appears. But from a chasm, a massive creature appears. In one hand a blade and in the other a whip.

Too bad that I am not dreaming this..

We follow Aragorn to the top of a stairway, but Gandalf stays leaning heavily on his staff and the bottom of it. 'Gandalf!' I shout and Aragorn looks back in concern. Gandalf shakes his head. 'Lead them on, Aragorn! The bridge is near' I can see Aragorn is hesitating but Gandalf shakes his head. 'Do as I say; Swords are no more use here' He adds. I look the man right in his eyes and a small smile appears on his lips. 'Go' He mouths. 'Sara!' Boromir yells at the top of the stairs. I run to him, fighting my tears back.

The others are already down the stairs, standing in front of a gaping chasm.


Boromir and I are rushing towards the others and when we are with them again, Boromir jumps without stopping over the chasm. 'Sam' Aragorn picks him up and tosses him over. Boromir catches him. 'Legolas' Aragorn orders the elf and Legolas jumps over as a prima ballerina.

Again showoff.

I chuckle at the elf but he doesn't noticed it because he catches Merry. 'Pip' Aragorn picks him up and throws also him over the chasm. Aragorn wants to pick Gimli up to throw him over but the Dwarf grunts. 'Nobody tosses a dwarf!' He says offended and he jumps. But before he can make it, he falls down.

'Gimli!' I shriek.

But luckily our elf is here, catching the dwarf by his red beard. 'Not the beard!' Gimli shouts in angry. Legolas lifts him up with a smile and helps him stand. 'Sara!' Aragorn grabs my wrist. 'Focus Sara' He mumbles in my ear as he moves his hand towards my waist, holding it tight. 'Hold on' He whispers.

'Okay' I whisper back.

Why do I whisper?

With his other hand, Aragorn holds Frodo. 'What are you going to do? Jump over with the two of us?' I shout when realization hits me. But before he can answer the whip of the Balrog smashes down behind us, so the floor we are standing on falls towards the others. 'Steady!' Aragorn shouts.

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