They are really really stupid. These Orcs who have captured us. They listen blindly to their leader and I think they also wipe his ass for him, if he asks them to do so. I am bungling over his shoulder and I am starting to feel numb.
The only good thing about this is, that they haven't touched me, yet.
They are talking about it, I can hear them. They speak about me and it gives me shivers all over my body. Suddenly I am thrown onto the ground, Merry and Pippin are thrown down next to me as the orcs collapse with what looks like exhaustion. We are by the borders of some forest. 'We're not going no further till we've had a breather' One of the Orcs speaks up. 'Get a fire going!' Another demands. Several Orcs stand up and begin to break off branches from the trees. I look to the boys. Merry is unconscious, I hope. Pippin on the other hand is trying to crawl over to him with his hands bound. 'Merry! Merry!' He says with an panicked voice. Merry opens his eyes slightly and I escape the breath I was holding. 'I think we might have made a mistake leaving the Shire, Pippin' Is Merry's witty answer. I laugh quietly but I feel the gaze of the Orcs on me. 'Guys, how are you holding up?'
'My head still hurts' Is Merry's reaction. 'Mine too' I say while I try to feel the egg on the back of my head, not that it is possible to feel it with your hands bound. They hit me pretty hard. Our laughter dies down when we hear low groans from within the forest. 'What is making that noise?' I whisper. Merry looks towards the forest and he smiles. 'It's the trees'
'What?' Asks Pippin. Thankyou. 'Do you remember the Old Forest, on the borders of Buckland? Folk used to say there was something in the water that made the trees grow tall...and come alive' Merry explains. 'Alive?' Pippin says with wide eyes. Another groan can be heard from the forest but the Orcs don't hear it. 'Trees that could whisper, talk to each other, even move' Merry adds. 'I'm starving. We ain't had nothing but maggoty bread for three stinking days' An Orc speaks up. Three days? We are running for three days now?
Some Orcs look to the ugly one who said it. They are all ugly but still, he is uglier. 'Yeah! Why can't we have some meat?!' Another one says as his eyes grow wide and with hunger at us. O no, nonono!
'What about them? They're fresh' He hisses. I try to look fearless, but in reality I am shitting my pants, again. 'They are not for eating' The commander says with a harsh voice.
Oh thankyou!
But an Orc walks over to us and let us roughly stand up and moves us to the side. The one who looks at us with hunger, follows every step we make. 'What about their legs? They don't need those. They look tasty' He hisses again and moves towards us. But the commander shoves him back to the other Orcs. 'Get back, scum!' Other ones spring forward and scowl at him. 'The prisoners go to Saruman. Alive and unspoiled' He adds.
Wait, Saruman... That was?
'Alive?' The hungry Orc states disappointment.
Yes alive, you fool. I am not going to be eaten today. He moves to another side so he can look at us. 'Why alive? Do they give good sport?' As he looks to his commander in hunger but the head Orc is unmoved. 'They have something. An Elvish weapon. The master wants it for the war'They think one of us has the ring!
'They think we have the Ring' I whisper to the boys. But Merry shushes me. 'As soon as they find out we don't, we're dead' I nod and shut my mouth again. 'Just a mouthful. A bit of the flank' We hear suddenly and I look up. The Hungry Orc stands behind us, his sword raised. But luckily, if you can call that luck, the commander swings his sword and beheads the hungry one. 'Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!' He announces and the Orcs begin cheer as the shove us aside and begin to tear at the dead Orc.

The Tenth Walker - Aragorn Fanfiction
FanfictionSara is just a ordinary girl. She has heard of the Lord of the Ring books but never read one. But what happens if she falls into the greatest stories ever told. What happens if she becomes part of the Fellowship of the ring? What happens when she be...