'Eldarion shall be his name'
The baby in my arms has a head full of dark hair and light grey eyes. His eyes look around but I know al he sees is blurry. I hush him as I cradle my second born safely in my arms. The swaddle he is wrapped in, has a royal blue color with an embroidery of the white tree on it. "I am here, ionneg"
Aragorn taught me already a lot of elvish and I really like it to whisper elvish words to Eldarion.
"Ionneg" I whisper again. I kiss his soft forehead. "Did you know you have an older brother. But he is not here with us, but with the Valar" Eldarion makes a sound. I knew he would understand me. I smile at the baby in my arms and I feel two warm hands on my shoulders and the hairs of his beard tickle my neck. "We will see Aradan again, Mellamin" My husband whispers in my ear as he presses his soft lips against my cheek. I turn around, his hands now on my waist. "I know we will see him again. But still, I want that Eldarion knows about his brother"
"We will tell him, we will remember him" Aragorn says softly as his eyes swift from mine to Eldarions. The boy is sleeping in my arms and Valar, he feels so warm and soft. "Mellamin, give him to me and make yourself ready for bed. Ioreth told me that you are holding him all day long"
"Because I am his mother!" I say a bit irritated that Ioreth has told Aragorn. I admit I am a bit anxious but I just do not want to loose him as well. But when I meet my lovers eyes, I know he understands. Because I see the same pain in his eyes that reflects mine. So without another word I kiss my baby boy on his cheeks and on his forehead before I hand him to the waiting, strong arms of his father. It still amazes me, that this man, this king, with hands that are weary from holding a sword. Those same calloused hands now hold a tiny baby.
Our child.

The Tenth Walker - Aragorn Fanfiction
أدب الهواةSara is just a ordinary girl. She has heard of the Lord of the Ring books but never read one. But what happens if she falls into the greatest stories ever told. What happens if she becomes part of the Fellowship of the ring? What happens when she be...