And so I trusted the outlaw. Strider took me and the boys to Rivendell, the city of the Elves. Home of Lord Elrond or whatever he is called. The time we arrived in the city, I was panting because of the pain and I clenched my teeth so I could not cry out and make a fool of myself. 'Sara' Strider came quickly to my side while I hissed because of the pain. And all of that because of a little cut. My thoughts are interrupted when I look to the beautiful curved arch, what's seems to be the entrance of Rivendell. The whole city is surrounded by trees and Fall is just around the corner, the leaves are turning orange and I can feel the cold. Again my neck stings and my vision is blurred. 'Sara? Are you okay?' I hear Sam asks, but another sting of pain flashes through my neck. 'Sara!' I hear Strider call my name. My feet give in and before I hid the ground, I feel arms around my waist. 'Sara!' I hear him mumble. 'Why didn't you say something'
'Because I didn't feel anything until now' I hiss. I try to blink, to see Strider through the haziness. 'I take you to Lord Elrond' He says. I feel him lifting me in his arms and my head falls against his muscular chest.
'Man agórer?' I hear someone say in a quiet voice. Again the strange language...
My eyes close and I fall in the black rabbit hole.
'Sara' I hear a low voice say. I blink a couple of times with my eyes before I can open them fully. I can see that I am in a beautiful chamber, with a view over a lake. Besides my bed sits Strider. He looks tired and when my eyes meet his, the widen. 'Sara! You are awake' I groan. 'What happened?'
'You fainted because of the wound' I hear someone say. A tall man with long black hair and pointy ears stands in the chamber. He wears a long dress and op his head is a sort of tiara, crown thingy. I sit up straight. 'Welcome to Rivendell, Sara Blackwood' I nod dumb with my head. 'H-hi' I mumble. The man's face is neither old nor young but I can see he has been through a couple of things. I can see it by his eyes. 'My name is Elrond and you have found your way to the last homely house east of the sea. The Elves of Imladris have dwelt within this valley for 3,000 years though few of my kin now remain' He says and a smile spreads on his lips.
'Strider told me where you are from. And I know about that place' He states and another man walks into the chamber. He wears a long grey cloak and a stick. 'Hello Sara' He says and his eyes twinkle. 'Hi' I reply awkwardly. 'My name is Gandalf the Grey'
'Frodo's Friend?' I reply a bit too quick. A low rumble can be heard and Gandalf laughs. 'Yes child'
Child? I am twenty-two!
Besides me Strider is also laughing. 'But Strider told me also that you still don't know where you are.. is that right?'
'Yes.. Are you going to tell me that this is one big joke?' I wait until they start with laughing but it stays awfully quiet. 'No. Sara you are not on earth anymore. By the will of the Valar you are here in Middle Earth'
'But I want to go back!' I pout. But Gandalf shakes his head and turns to Elrond. 'Sara, by the will of the Valar you are here, and I don't know why. I have to seek council with the Lady Galadriel so I have not all the answers yet. In the main time, you can visit Frodo and the others. Strider shall take you to them.
After I am dressed in a sort of like princess dress, Strider takes me to one of the beautiful gardens around the city. 'Sara! Sara!' The sudden voices of Merry and Pippin can be heard when they see me. I laugh and sink to my knees, so I can hug them. 'Merry! Pippin!' I giggle. I can see that Strider is also laughing, but he stops when a certain figure, the same woman who saved Frodo in the forest, comes into sight. 'Excuse me' Strider says and I see his eyes flicker. He walks up to her and together they disappear in the garden. 'That was the Lady Arwen. Daughter of Lord Elrond' I hear Sam suddenly say. 'Sam!' I laugh happily and I release Pippin and Merry, so I can hug Sam. Behind Sam, stands Frodo. He smiles at us. 'Good to see you Frodo' I grin when I release Sam and stand up from my position on the ground. 'I am also happy seeing you Sara, they told me you have also a wound of the Wraith' I nod my head. 'Aye, I have' I show him my cut that is in the middle of my throat. It is small and almost not visible for the naked eye, but I know the scar shall remain on that spot forever. 'Frodo! Look who is over there!' Merry suddenly yells happily and begins to run to a small figure, sitting on a stone bench. 'Bilbo!' Frodo mumbles happily and his eyes light up. 'Go, Frodo' I say, urging him to go. 'We can talk later' He nods and then runs after the other three hobbits. I do not want to interrupt them, so I walk the opposite way, back the house of 'Lord Elrond'
'My Lady, you are requested by Lord Elrond. Please follow me' At the sudden – and he makes me jump a little – an man appears in the hallway I walk in. I notice his ears are pointy, just like Lord Elrond. So that are elven people? They have pointy ears and they all look really beautiful, like super models or something.
The man leads me to the corridor and stops by a big black wooden door. He knocks three times and the door opens without a sound. 'They are waiting my Lady' He says and nods his head. A little ashamed I walk inside.
My lady? Me? A lady...
'Sara, welcome!' Lord Elrond states with a smile and gestures to a chair by the table. Elrond, Gandalf and a lady are sitting around the table, all watching me. Awkwardly I sit down. 'So..' I begin, not knowing what is going on here. 'Hello Sara. My name is Galadriel' The lady speaks. She has long blonde hair and it looks like light is radiating of her. 'Uh, hi' I reply. 'We know why you are here'
'You do?!' I say surprised. 'Why?' Galadriel smiles. 'You Sara, are chosen by the mighty Valar themselves to join the quest of the one ring!'
The who and the what?
'Can you say that again?' I ask her, feeling ashamed. Next to me, Gandalf grins at my words. 'She means Sara, that you are brought here from earth to Middle earth, so you can join others in a quest to save our world' Gandalf explains. If my eyes could roll out of my sockets then it was happened..
Me.... Me! I have to join a bloody quest...
'And if I don't want to join?' I stammer. 'You have to, otherwise you shall die with the rest of us as the quest don't succeed' Lord Elrond replies. 'And if I win?'
'Then you have the option to go home' Galadriel answers. 'And you know that for sure' She shakes her head. 'No, we don't know anything for sure. But Lord Elrond has the sight. To see the future and what he saw, was that you are important for this quest and the persons who are joining it'
'Do I have a say in this all?'
'The question is if you want to go home or not?' Gandalf states and they look at me. I really don't have a choice. If I want to go home, ever, I have to join this stupid quest thing.
'Okay.. when does it start?'
'Tomorrow. For now you can go. This is all the information we have' Lord Elrond tells me. I stand up from my chair and rush out of the room. I still don't know anything and I still feel confused about all of this. But maybe there is a way home.
I rush into another corridor, into a dark chamber. I bump into someone and fall on the ground. "My lady, are you okay?" says a low voice. I bumped into a man, great. I take his outstretched hand and he helps me up. 'Y-yes. I am sorry, I wasn't looking' He shakes his head. 'It was my fault' He grins. 'You are no elf. Yet you are here in Rivendell. What brings you here?'
Can I tell him about the quest?
'She is with me' I recognize Striders voice. He sits on a bench, a book lying next to him. He sits half in the shadows. 'You are no elf either' The man says a little annoyed. 'Men of the South are welcome here' Strider answers him. 'Who are you?'
'I am a friend to Gandalf the Grey, as is she' Is Strider vague answer. But the man nods understandingly. 'Then we are here on common purpose ...friend' The man smiles uncomfortably but Strider only looks at him silently. The man turns to me and looks with wonderment at a broken blade that lies before us on a cloth-covered plinth. 'The shards of Narsil ... the blade that cut the Ring from Sauron's hand' He says in awe and pick the blade up. He touches it slightly but I can see blood appear on the man's finger. 'Still sharp' He mumbles and looks to Strider. 'But no more than a broken heirloom' He says while replacing the blade. But it clatters to the floor. The man quickly leaves, leaving me dumb fooled. I sit on my knees, ready to pick the blade up. But suddenly there is Strider, his hand on my own. Again I feel sparks when he touches me. Our eyes meet and a silence hangs in the air. But before something can be said, the same woman as before, Lady Arwen appears. She looks curious at me and Strider. Quickly we stand up as Strider replaces the blade. 'Can I talk to you?' She quietly asks Strider, who nods immediately. 'I see you tomorrow' He says while walking away with Arwen. 'See you tomorrow then'
Tomorrow, then the meeting is going to be hold. And I still don't have a clue why the actual F I am here.

The Tenth Walker - Aragorn Fanfiction
FanfictionSara is just a ordinary girl. She has heard of the Lord of the Ring books but never read one. But what happens if she falls into the greatest stories ever told. What happens if she becomes part of the Fellowship of the ring? What happens when she be...