I should've stayed in bed

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We stand before a looming cliff, cut into a sheer formation. How do we ever find the entrance? If there is an entrance. Gimli is tapping his axe against the wall and listens. Gandalf does the same with his staff. 'Dwarf doors are invisible when closed' He grunts and turns away from the wall. Next to me stands Legolas with his arms folded, waiting impatiently. I chuckle at the prince's behavior. In the months we departed from Rivendell, we have become good friends. I become good friends with all of the guys. That is the good thing of being the only girl in a company of men, they want your attention. And they are very protective over me. And I think that is cute..

'Yes, Gimli, their own masters cannot find them if their secrets are forgotten' Gandalf replies to Gimli.

So why are they making the doors invisible then?

'Why doesn't that surprise me?' Legolas mumbles besides me. I start to laugh but Gandalf looks at me and I stop. I don't want to make the wizard angry.

I know he doesn't transform me into anything unnatural, he is more like a funny granddad to me, but still.
Gimli sniffs with disgust at Legolas comment. Gandalf ignores them and approaches a different section of the wall. Between two twisted, gnarled trees a faint lines appear. 'Isildin ... it mirrors only starlight and moonlight' I hear him say while running his fingers over the lines. I look to the sky and a large moon rises over the mountains. When I look back to the wall, large lines grow broader and clearer and they from a glowing arch. Letters and symbols appear above the arch.

'It reads, "The door of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter."' Gandalf continues, smiling at us.

We found the door!

'What do you suppose that means?' Merry speaks up. 'It's simple. If you are a friend, you speak the password and the doors will open' Gandalf says confidently and raises his arms. 'Annon Edhellen, edro hi ammen!' (Gate of the Elves, open now for me!) He chants. Wind blows and I shiver, but nothing happens. Gandald raises his arms again. 'Fennas Nogothrim, lasto beth lammen' (Doorway of the Dwarf-folk, listen to the word of my tongue) Gandalf tries again. 'Nothing's happening' Pippin remarks. Gandalf glances at Pippin clearly annoyed. He pushes on the door, but it remains closed. 'I once knew every spell in all the tongues of Elves, Men, and Orcs' Gandalf says while turning back to us. 'What are you going to do, then?' Pippin adds. I grabs Pippins wrist, trying to stop his not useful comments. 'Knock your head against these doors, Peregrin Took! And if that does not shatter them, and I am allowed a little peace from foolish questions, I will try to find the opening words' Gandalf says angrily and turns back to the wall. Legolas turns to me. 'This is going to take a while' He says and walks back to Frodo, Boromir and Gimli, who are sitting on a couple of rocks. I walk after him and sit down also.

Gandalf continues to mumble strange words and enchantments. Spells, to open the door, but nothing happens. I look away from the wizard towards Sam and Aragorn. Who are taking our stuff of the pony. Aragorn unsaddles Bill and strokes his mane. I see him whisper something to the pony and Sam look sad. Aragorn slaps Bill on the rump and the Pony goes trotting off. The pony disappears into the darkness. With slumped shoulders Sam walks back to us, Aragorn following. But a splash from the lake makes me jump a little. I turn to the sound and see that Aragorn has stopped Pippin from throwing another stone into the water. 'Do not disturb the water' He warns the boy and exchanges a look with Boromir. His hands creeps towards his sword and I do the same.

Is there a fight coming?

'It's a riddle!' I hear Frodo say and we all look up. Gandalf is sitting next to Frodo, while Frodo stands up. 'Speak, friend, and enter. What's the Elvish word for friend?' The hobbit says in excitement. 'Oh .... mellon' Is Gandalf's answer and with that the rock face silently divides in the middle and two great doors swing outwards, revealing a blackness deeper than I have ever seen before. 'Come' Aragorn is standing next to me, offering his hand. I take it and he pulls me up. I follow the others in the darkness of Moria. 'Soon, Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves; roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone! This, my friend, is the home of my cousin Balin ... And they call this a mine' Gimli says to Legolas.
I can't see them..

I can hear him snort. 'A mine!'

Legolas must be rolling with his eyes right now.

Suddenly a small glow appears from Gandalf's staff. I step back in fear and disgust. We are walking on skeletons! Beneath my feet I hear the sickening sound of bones breaking.

O hell no.

Everywhere I look, I see skeletons, killed probably in a fight a long time ago. Shields are shattered all over the room and I can see several arrows pierced into the skeletons. 'This is no mine ... It's a tomb!' Boromir is the first to speak. Gimli gasps. 'Oh ... no ... no ... no...!' Legolas stands in front of a skeleton and pulls a crude arrow out. 'Goblins' He hisses when he looks at the arrow. Aragorn and Boromir draw their sword and so do the boys.

Right, it is happening! My first fight..

To the dead.

I am shitting myself really.

'We make for the Gap of Rohan. We should never have come here' Boromir shouts in horror while we are making our way out. I turn towards the entrance and see just in time that Frodo is tackled to the ground. A tentacle is wrapped around his ankle and drags him towards the lake. 'Frodo!' I yell and rush after him. I make the stupid decision to jump towards Frodo. With a loud thud I fall on the ground, grapping Frodo's wrist. Aragorn and Boromir are suddenly next to us and Aragorn severs the tentacle holding Frodo. I pull him to me and together we stand up. Boromir is busy hacking the other dozen of tentacles, but with one done, twenty rise up from the lake. It lashes out to us and I push Frodo out of the way. The tentacle folds itself quickly around my neck and lifts me up into the dark air. 'Sara!' Legolas screams.

I do not want to die, not now!

I take my sword out of the sheath and cut the limb down, so I fall towards the dark water below. But I don't hit it. Two strong arms are wrapped around my wait. I look up to my rescuer.


He smiles before he sets me down and pushes me toward the entrance of Moria again. 'Into the mines!' Gandalf yells in front of the entrance. 'Legolas!' Boromir shouts, pointing to tentacly in the water. The princeling shoots an arrow in the creatures head so Boromir and Aragorn can race out of the water, with Frodo..

Was Frodo taken again?

I am pushed into the chamber of skeletons as many coiling arms seize the large doors. With a shattering echo the monster rips the doors away and I can't help but scream in fear. A hand takes mine in his and drags me further into the dark. Within seconds rocks seal the doorway, so only blackness remains. Luckily we have our wizard and the light from his staff appears again.

'Now we have but one choice ... we must face the long dark of Moria. Be on your guard ... there are older and fouler things than the Orcs in the deep places of the world'


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