I encourage Brego to make more speed and I have the feeling that I am flying! I race through the gate and lead Brego to the highest level of the city. I jump of Brego, leaving the horse on the street as I run towards the last gate that leads to the square where the white tree stands.
But my heart misses a beat when I see all the people watching Aragorn being crowned as king. Gandalf places the crown of Gondor on his beautiful head. 'Now come the days of the king, may they be blessed' I hear Gandalf say and Aragorn smiles at the wizard. But I can tell his smile isn't real. But he rises and faces the crowd.
'This day does not belong to one man but to all. Let us together rebuild this world that we may share in the days of peace' He says and the people, his people start to cheer. It is deafening! Aragorn walks in slow pace down the white paved path. 'Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien. Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta' He starts to sing.
I remember the first time I heard him sing, then we didn't know that we were meant to be for each other.
I want to run, to be with him. But If I run now, everyone thinks I am crazy. Especially dressed like this.
He passes Éowyn and Faramir, who are holding hands! They bow before him. Éomer steps forward and bows in respect. I jump a little when I hear the sound of trumpets.
They are led by Legolas and they Approach Aragorn. 'Hannon le' Aragorn says to Legolas and hugs him.
Bro hugs, so cute!
Legolas looks back and Arwen steps forward, taking his hand.
She is still here! She survived Sauron!
Legolas looks lovingly to her and she smiles happily. Aragorn nods his head for them and walks further through the crowd. He is nearing the four small hobbits, who stand nervously at the end of the avenue.
They look healthy and clean and they are dressed in their old clothes. They bow their heads before Aragorn. But he raises his hand. 'My friends, you bow to no-one' And with that said, Aragorn drops to one knee, kneeling before our Hobbits. The whole crowd follows him, bowing down for these four brave hobbits.
I say that Pip is looking around nervously. But the unthinkable happens, he spots me! 'Oi!' He yells and the whole crowd looks up. Aragorn stands up and looks puzzled. 'Sara?' Now Merry sees me too.
Sam and Frodo are laughing happily as they see me to. Aragorn looks at me, staring right into my soul.
Please, please I want to disappear! I am dressed in my sleepwear and the whole city is looking at me..
O God..
'Sara' He says my name, sounding out of breath. 'Sara!' He begins to walk in my direction. The crowd is splitting as the red sea for him. I look around, not knowing how to act.
What the hell, Sara come on!
You love Him!
I command my feet to move, my whole body to move forward. And it does. I am running like crazy at him. I am out of my dazed state as I scream his name on the top of my lungs. 'Aragorn!' And then we meet. I jump in his open arms. Clinging as a small child around his body. My hands and feet folded around him. I begin to cry, not the beautiful cry you see in movies but the ugly with howling.
I know that everyone is looking at me, the girlfriend of their new crowned king. Only dressed in her nightwear, clinging at him as a small child.
Wow, I make a very good first impression!
'Sara' Is all he says as he buries his head in the crook of my neck. When I feel the wet drops on my shoulder, I cry louder.
O how I missed him.
Suddenly Gandalf is behind us and gathers our fellowship around Aragorn as he carries me inside the Citadel.
When the doors close, Aragorn drops to the ground, folding his arms tighter around me. 'Sara' Gandalf.
'Child, please. Breathe in and out. Be calm'
But I can't calm down. My cries are uncontrolled and the only thing I do is clinging on Aragorn. The poor man doesn't know what to do with me, so he holds me. Tight.
'Bring her to your room Aragorn' Gandalf orders my king and I close my eyes. The tiredness of the whole day and all my other emotions, of not coming back here are swallowing me in a deep black hole.
'I never thought that I held her in my arms again'
Is that Aragorn?
'I thought it too Mellon. But she is back. The Valar gave you two a second change'
And I hope the elf is right!
The sounds around me become clearer and are making more sense. Someone is dipping a wet cloth on my forehead.
A groan escapes my lips.
'She is waking up!'
A woman's voice.. Arwen?
'Yes, it's me Sara. I am here'
'I said that out loud didn't I? I say, my voice hoarse from sleep. I hear chucking around me. 'Yes you did'
But it doesn't matter anymore, Aragorn stands next to my bed. And the atmosphere changes. Everyone is quiet. 'We leave them be'
I lock eyes with Aragorn as everyone else leaves the room. Aragorn sits immediately down on my bed. 'Are you okay?' He says worried.
'I am now' His eyes light up and a slight smile appears on his lips. He takes me again in his arms and bows forward, so our lips are touching each other. 'I've missed you so much that it hurts' he says and then we kiss.
Not a kiss full passion but in this kiss I can feel all the emotions, all the love we feel for each other.
And God do I love him!
As we pull away, he sits straight so I can lay against his chest. 'How did you come back?' He asks after a couple seconds of silence and starts playing with my hair. 'I jumped of a bridge into the water, the same water as how I came here. It brought me back'
'You Jumped of the bridge?'' He says, his voice raising. His arms tighten around me. I look into his worried eyes. I kiss him softly.
'I am here, save and sound. And you know' I kiss him again. 'I can kiss you forever now' Aragorn smiles the brightest smile I have ever seen. 'Your beauty takes my breath away, your soul is as my own. Your laugh is as music into my ears. And I love you Sara. With everything I am. By the Valar I love you'
Tears well into my eyes as I hear those words I wanted to hear for so long. Aragorn moves, so I sit next to him and he slides of the bed. 'Where are you going?' But he takes something out of his pocket and drops down on one knee.
Fucking Hell.
He doesn't!
'Mellamin. You stole my heart the very first time I saw you. I love you. Will you be my wife, my queen, the mother of my children? Will you be mine?'
I nod, tears streaming down my cheeks. 'Yes' I whisper. He rises. 'Yes' I say again. He takes me in his arms ones again and kisses me.
And I have the feeling my heart explodes.
One chapter left! and maybe a epiloog! But this it it. This chapter makes me cry and i want an Aragorn! hahaha
but thank you all for the waiting and the comments!

The Tenth Walker - Aragorn Fanfiction
FanfictionSara is just a ordinary girl. She has heard of the Lord of the Ring books but never read one. But what happens if she falls into the greatest stories ever told. What happens if she becomes part of the Fellowship of the ring? What happens when she be...