'Technically speaking, they uses to be men. Bone-chilling, isn't it?' I say. Gimli huffs at my stupid joke but I can see the dwarf smiling a little as we walk over the deck of the boat we are in.
It was surprisingly easy to capture the boats, mostly because the ghost soldiers did all of the work, but hey I am not complaining.
In a slow ease we sail the Anduin river. Aragorn is standing at the front, looking towards the plume of smoke, that is probably from Minas Tirith, the king's city.
'You know, I heard you and Gandalf talking. That night on the feast in Edoras' I say when I stand still next to him. I see his eyes widen but he doesn't speak.
'What where we saying?'
Seriously Aragorn?
'That I have to break' I say as my voice falters. His hand folds around my own. 'Sara..' He turns towards me and locks me into a tight embrace. 'I know this is hard for you, but I know the Valar brought you here for a reason, to protect me. But do you remember what Saruman said to you?'
'Yes, he called me a Princess'
'A princess indeed. And that is what I try to figure out. Gandalf too, but we have found nothing' He says quietly as he releases me. I look into his greyish blue eyes and smile. I lean forward and kiss him, taking him by surprise. He releases my hand and I am folding my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.
'Ahum' I feel my cheeks turn red as I push Aragorn away and turn to the sound.
The dwarf is awkwardly looking to the ground. 'I – We are almost at the docks. Legolas saw it. So it is best to go into hiding'
Aragorn, the dork, is smiling as he nods at Gimli. 'Yes Gimli' And he takes my hand and together with Gimli, we walk to Legolas. He is already sitting on his knees as I crouch beside him. Now the only thing I see is the railing of the wood.
The sounds around us become more clear – fighting and yelling.
As the ghosts slide our boat into the docks, with the other 9 as well. I hear an angry voice. 'Late as usual! Get off your ships, you sea rats! There's knife work here needs doing!' I think it is an orc who screams this. With one look at us, Aragorn leaps from the boat and charging across the docks, roaring at the top of his lungs. I look at my brothers in arms, and smirk. 'Stay alive' And with that I jump of the boat, following Aragorn with a roar as well. Legolas and Gimli follow close behind. 'Plenty for the both of us ... may the best dwarf win!' I hear Gimli say to us as the army of the dead leap straight out of the sides of the ships. They charge across the surfaces and within seconds the are around us, killing orcs on their path. The orcs are dead before I reach them. They can't defend themselves as their weapons cannot make contact with the ghosts! When we arrive at the fields of Pelennor, a gigantic sort of elephant is making his way towards me, luckily the Elf prince jumps on his back, shooting arrows in his skull. As the elephant falls down, Legolas jumps and lands on his feet in front of me and Gimli. He smirks at Gimli 'That still only counts as one!' Gimli roars as he rushes forwards and raises his axe to kill an Orc. I look up as the army of the dead has reached the city, I smile. We have won!
The Army of the dead has killed every orc in the city and stands before Aragorn. 'Release us' The king of the dead pleads. I am standing behind Aragorn with Gimli and Legolas. 'Bad idea. Very handy in a tight spot, these lads - despite the fact, they're dead!' Gimli says quietly. But the ghost looks at Gimli. 'You gave us your word' He says now sounding angry. 'I hold your oath fulfilled... Go' Aragorn says calmly. 'Be at peace' And like magic – but who am I'm kidding, this is freaking magic. The army of the dead slowly dissolves into dust and are swept away by the wind.
'What are we going to do?' I say, breaking the silence. The boys look at me. 'We have one more battle to go' Aragorn says quietly as he looks towards Mordor.
Shivers run down my spine. The last battle.
Together we walk towards the city, where we are greeted by Gandalf!
He tells us that Merry and Pippin are resting and Éowyn is in the house of healing, she killed a wraith.
As we are standing in the hall, Gimli sitting on the seat of the steward, Gandalf begins to speak. 'Frodo has passed beyond my sight. The darkness is deepening'
'If Sauron had the Ring, we would know it' Aragorn says as he turns towards the wizard. 'It's only a matter of time. He has suffered a defeat, yes, but behind the walls of Mordor our enemy is regrouping'
'Let him stay there. Let him rot. Why should we care?' Gimli huffs, smoking his pipe. But Gandalf looks at him with an ashen face. 'Because ten thousand Orcs now stand between Frodo and Mount Doom!' Gandalf looks towards the ceiling in despair. 'I've sent him to his death'
'No!' Aragorn says suddenly. 'There's still hope for Frodo. He needs time and safe passage across the Plains of Gorgoroth. We can give him that'
How smart ass?
'How?' Gandalf asks.
See, even Gandalf thinks this is a bad idea!
'Draw out Sauron's armies - empty his lands. Then we gather our full strength and march on the Black Gate' At this Gimli chokes on his Pipe and Éomer steps forward.
I nearly forgot about him, he is king now. Théoden died on the battlefield.
'We cannot achieve victory through strength of arms' He says. 'Not for ourselves ... But we can give Frodo his chance if we keep Sauron's eye fixed upon us. Keep him blind to all else that moves' Aragorn answers and locks eyes with me. Legolas next to him smiles. 'A diversion'
'Sauron will suspect a trap. He will not take the bait!' Gandalf says doubtfully but Gimli jumps of his seat. 'Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?'
Great another suicide mission, fun.
But as we look to each other, we all know this is the only option we have. To save Frodo, to save Middle Earth.
And If I need to break, If I have to die, to save the man, the people I love. It be so!
3 more chapters and then the book is finished! I have a lot of action planned for Sara if i say so myself!

The Tenth Walker - Aragorn Fanfiction
FanficSara is just a ordinary girl. She has heard of the Lord of the Ring books but never read one. But what happens if she falls into the greatest stories ever told. What happens if she becomes part of the Fellowship of the ring? What happens when she be...