They are both gone. Gandalf and Pippin. Now only five of us are left from the ten. One is dead, two are off to Gondor and two are somewhere in the wilderness, trying to save us all.
Sounds good.
It is dawn and the sun is coming up from beyond the mountains. I sit with Legolas, Gimli and Merry in the Hall of Meduseld, trying not to go crazy. I mean we are waiting for like eleven days now. And still no word from Gandalf.
I look up when a bell begins to toll urgently. Rumor can be heard from the people who are starting to wake and I see that Théoden and his men are looking to each other. In seconds the door burst open and Aragorn runs into the Hall.
He is so damn hot.
'The beacons of Minas Tirith! The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid!' Théoden looks startled at him. We all stand up from our seats, waiting at what the kings is going to say. The tension is horrible.
Théoden lowers his head and slowly he rises it again, looking at Aragorn in the eye. 'Then Rohan will answer. Muster the Rohirrim!'
In a blink of an eye, everyone is shouting and walking around to prepare for war.
I am already dressed in my armour, my breastplate and my forearm protectors. I have my sword in my sheath and my bag with supplies already next to me. I look to the boys, we are ready to go.
Because there is no time to waste, the five of us are running towards the stables, where I run into Éowyn. She is putting on her ridding gloves. 'You ride with us?' Éowyn turns to me and smiles. 'Yes, just to the encampment. It's tradition for the women in the Court to farewell the Men' She says. Aragorn next to me smiles and reaches past her. He lifts a cover to reveal a sword, strapped to the side of the saddle of her horse. Éowyn deftly pulls the cover back down and looks back at us. 'The Men have found their Captain – they will follow you into battle, even to death' She says softly and I now she is also looking at me. 'You have given us hope' She says quietly and turns to mount her horse. I reach out to her, to say something. But Aragorn takes my hand and pushes me towards my own horse.
He is right, I have to worry on my own problems now.
I mount my horse and together with, Gimli, Legolas, Éowyn and Aragorn, we ride out of the stables and ride towards the gate where the King is waiting. Éomer stops next to him and calls to the assembled soldiers. 'Now is the hour! Riders of Rohan -Oaths you have taken. Now, fulfill
them all - For Lord and land!' He shouts and off we go, following them to our doom. Or fate..
We thunder through the plains of Rohan, towards Dunharrow in the mountains. It takes us two days to get there, but when we arrive at the encampment, all I see is men and horses. Théoden stops his horse before an important looking soldier, so we all stop.Great.
My horse is restless and weary. Like I am.
'Grimbold, how many?' Théoden ask. The man bows his head for the king. 'I bring five hundred Men from the Westfold, My Lord' Another man steps forward. 'We have three hundred more from Fenmarch, Théoden King' Théoden nods and moves, so we ride further. But because I ride behind him, I can see the grim on his face. 'Where are the riders from Snowbourn?' I hear him say quietly to Gamling. 'None have come, My Lord' Is his answer. Again we stop by a plateau and we can look over the encampment. Aragorn rides forward so his is next to the king. 'Six thousand spears ... less than half of what I'd hoped for' Théoden says quietly but still loud enough for us to hear. 'Six thousand will not be enough to break the lines of Mordor'

The Tenth Walker - Aragorn Fanfiction
FanfictionSara is just a ordinary girl. She has heard of the Lord of the Ring books but never read one. But what happens if she falls into the greatest stories ever told. What happens if she becomes part of the Fellowship of the ring? What happens when she be...