This Is Too Intense

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'By the order of king Théoden, each elder, woman and child have to go into the caves' Gamling announces. In a mass organized movement, the people of Rohan gather their belongings and trudge together into hiding. Soldier assist the elderly and infirm in getting themselves into the caves. I on the other hand walk with the boys along the battlements as Aragorn explains his plan to us. 'We'll place the reserves along the wall. They can support the archers from above the gate' He looks like he is to fall asleep every moment now. 'Aragorn, you must rest. You're no use to us half alive' Legolas says.

Thank you!

But of course Aragorn pays Legolas no mind. 'Aragorn! Aragorn!' Éowyn's yells his name and I look into her direction. She runs through the crowds towards us. 'I'm to be sent with the women into the caves' She says angry. She turns to me and looks up and down but she says nothing. 'That is an honorable charge' Aragorn nods tiredly. 'To mind the children, to find food and bedding with the men return. What renown is there in that?' Aragorn looks at me and I smile courageous at him. He takes her hands. 'My lady, a time may come for valor without renown. Who then will your people look to in the last defense?' He says reassuringly. 'Let me stand at your side' She pleads and again she looks at me.

I thought we were friends?

'It is not in my power to command it'

'But she is here' Éowyn snaps at me. Aragorn lets go of her hands. 'Because she is here with me. Sara belongs to our Fellowship' Aragorn states, sounding annoyed. 'And I, where do I stay?'

In the caves maybe?

'You do not command the others to stay! They fight beside you because they would not be parted from you. Because they love you!' She pleads desperately. Aragorn looks at her and then back at me. I shiver from his gaze.

He said he loved me, was falling in love with me..

'I'm sorry' Éowyn says and looks at me. I shake my head and look away from her. 'I am sorry' Éowyn says again and I know she meant that for me. She pushes past Aragorn and follows her people into the caves. I let out a breath. But Aragorn doesn't pay attention to her anymore. He is already walking towards the armory room. I see mothers saying goodbyes to their sons, wives to their husbands. Even old men and boys are drafted into service.

What is Théoden thinking?

Swords are also passed out to the boys and men. Aragorn takes on and examines it. But he tosses it away. He turns around in anger. 'Farmer, farriers, stable boys. These are no soldiers!' He hisses. 'Most have seen too many winters' Gimli says looking around. 'Or too few' Legolas adds. And Aragorn nods. 'Look at them' I say as I look to the young boys. 'They're frightened. I can see it in their eyes' Legolas adds and he turns away in anger. 'Boe a hûn...neled herain...dan caer menig!'

'Si beriathar hýn. Amar nâ ned Edoras' Aragorn says as he turns to Legolas. 'Aragorn, Men i ndagor. Hýn ú-...ortheri. Natha daged aen!' Legolas yells.

Where are they talking about?

'Hey! Don't yell in a language I don't understand!' I sneer at hem. Aragorn looks at me and then back to Legolas. 'Then I shall die as one them!' Aragorn explodes and they lock eyes for a moment. But Aragorn breaks it and walks away. He grabs my wrist and drags me with him. I see that Gimli puts a hand on Legolas its arm. 'Let him go, lad. Let him be' He hushes.

Aragorn drags me with him towards the battlement. We stand at some corner, looking over the plains but no men are here, yet. I pull myself free from his dead grip. 'What was that all about?' I hiss at him. He looks at the ground. 'Legolas said that we are never going to win'

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