I get my horse and walk quickly back towards Aragorn. But when I see him, Legolas and Gimli are also with their horse, waiting. 'Lassie!' Gimli says with a smile. 'You thought we were leaving you and The Lass alone?' Aragorn shakes his head as these words and my cheeks turn red. 'I get it, move' I hiss as I push Gimli out of the way as he laughs. I mount my horse as do the boys and Aragorn leads us past the ancient stones.
This road is not funny...
The light of day is gone and there are dead trees everywhere. Even the horses notice the dark energy that is around here. As the hours pass, the mountain rises before us. 'What kind of an army would linger in such a place?' Gimli says quietly. 'One that is cursed ... Long ago the Men of
the Mountain swore an oath to the last King of Gondor - to come to his aid, to fight, but when the time came, when Gondor's need was dire, they fled ... Vanishing into the darkness of the mountain ... And so Isildur cursed them - never to rest until they had fulfilled their pledge' Legolas answers.
Great.. that is helping.
I listen to the sounds, but I hear none. No birds, not even the wind. I only can hear the horses' hooves and my heavy breathing.
After an hour, I think, because the sun is nowhere to be seen. A sheer wall of rock towards above us. 'The very warmth of my blood seems stolen away' Gimli whispers terrified.
The Dwarf is scared?
I bite my tongue so I can't answer at what Gimli just said, this is not the time to make jokes. I look at the wall and a creepy dark door gapes like a mouth of a night. Several signs and figures are carved above it. 'What does it say?' I ask, my eyes scanning the signs. 'The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead, and the Dead keep it. The way is shut' Legolas translates.
Again, great.
But at the moment Legolas translates the signs and figures, a chill wind seems to rush out of the doorway. Aragorn stares at the door, his hair blowing wildly.
He is so damn handsome.
The horses rear and I have to let go of the reins as my horse turns and galloping away, as do the other two. 'Brego!' Aragorn shouts but the horses are already gone. Aragorn looks at me. 'Stay with me' He whispers only for me to hear, but I know Legolas has heard it.
'Always' I whisper as Aragorn takes my hand. 'I do not fear death!' He says as he looks at Legolas and Gimli.
Do I?
I swallow as Aragorn guides me into the blackness.
I try to control my heavy breathing as Aragorn keeps his hand in mine. We stop as he takes an torch, that hangs on the wall, and gives it to Legolas. He turns to me. 'Sara, I am here, we are here. Please Melamin. Breathe'
I breath deep in through my nose and close my eyes.
This is not a dream, this is real, stay calm.
I open my eyes and nod at Aragorn. He bows forward and kisses me, I smile in the kiss as I long for more. But Aragorn steps back, his hand still firmly in my own as he leads us into a wide cavern. I shrike as a ghastly creaking noise, like stone being sundered, cuts through the silence. A ghost steps from the rock wall!
A freaking ghost!
I look around as the ghost surround by green fog, looms before us. 'Who enters my domain?' The ghost snarls at Aragorn. I squeeze his hand in panic but Aragorn look at me. Instead he release my hand and pushes me gently back so I stand between Gimli and Legolas as he walks forward.
'One who will have your allegiance' Aragorn says darkly. The ghost snarls. 'The dead do not suffer the living to pass'
'You will suffer me!' Aragorn says urgently but the ghost laugh echoes through the caves.
I have goosebumps everywhere.
The fog suddenly rolls back, forming a retreating wall of grey vapor. Slowly, rank upon rank of warriors are revealed.
An army of the dead!
I am going to fight against zombies...
I am done, so done.
'That it' I say, feeling the gaze of the death and the boys on me. 'I am going home, I am not dealing with this-'
The way is shut' The ghost says with a chilling voice and he smiles evilly at us and then back at Aragorn. 'It was made by those who are Dead and the Dead keep it' He says.
I blink one time and we are surround by the army of the dead.Great..
'The way is shut. Now you must die' The ghost says and Legolas fires an arrow at it.
Seriously? I thought you were the wise-elf guy Legolas.
Of course the arrow passes straight through the ghost.
Aragorn on the other end, is still walking to the ghost. 'I summon you to fulfill your oath!' He says almost desperate. The ghost snarls and raises his sword above Aragorn's head. I pull my sword out of my sheath and want to rush towards him. But Legolas stops me, holding my arm. 'Wait!' He whispers.Not the time to be wise Legolas!
I fight his grip, but damn he is strong.
'None, but the King of Gondor may command me!' The ghost yells raspy. Aragorn raises his sword in answer.
Dead quiet.
I chuckle at my own thought but the look on Legolas his faces silences me.
I jump a little as I hear metal against metal. Aragorn's sword and that of the ghost clashes with each other. The ghost stares at Aragorn in disbelief. 'It cannot be – that line was broken!' he says fearful. With one swift movement Aragorn grabs the ghost by the neck and holds his sharp blade against its throat. 'It has been remade!' Aragorn hisses. Again silence. Aragorn releases the ghost and turns to the army behind it. 'Fight for us and regain your honor!' The dead stare at him. 'What say you!' Aragorn yells with power. 'What say you?' He yells again, more urgently this time.
'Aghh! You're wasting your time, Aragorn! They had no honour in life, they have none now in death' Gimli snarls. But Aragorn ignores our dwarf and turns back towards the army. 'I am Isildur's heir. Fight for me and I will hold your oath fulfilled. What say you?'

The Tenth Walker - Aragorn Fanfiction
FanfictionSara is just a ordinary girl. She has heard of the Lord of the Ring books but never read one. But what happens if she falls into the greatest stories ever told. What happens if she becomes part of the Fellowship of the ring? What happens when she be...