'You don't understand' He cries while i walk away. 'Do I have to?' I reply coldly. I am so done. Done with him and his endless lies. I turn around and he stands frozen. He looks like his is sorry, his eyes locked to the floor. 'Jason, I don't care anymore. I am done'
'Sara! Please let me explain. It was a mistake' He takes a step forward and he has the guts to look right into my eyes. 'No. I am done. Done with you Jason. Done with all your lies' I turn my back to him and walk towards the door of his flat. The jacket of the girl he slept with is still hanging at the coat rack. 'Sara!' Jason cries out. I feel his hand tugging at my shoulder and he turns me with force around so I face him. In a reflex my clenched fist meets his jaw. He releases me and stumbles backwards. 'Sara! What the hell?' He holds his jaw with one hand, looking bewildered at me. I do not know what to say so I run towards the door, tug it open and run. I just run, leaving the life behind I knew for two years.
Two years of I love you's.
Two years of kisses and hugs.
Jason was my first, I had waited for the one and I had lost my virginity to him. I really thought he was the one.
The one I was going to marry, the person I was growing old with. But he cheated. He cheated on me! I never thought he was that kind of guy.
I am running out of the building, into the busy streets of London. My phone is buzzing non-stop into my pocket. Right, is he really thinking I am going to answer him. I caught him red handed. She was so in shock that she left without her jacket. And when she was gone, Jason tried to embrace me. Saying she was just a friend. 'Oi, watch where your steps!' I stumble and fall on the ground. The man I bumped into looks pissed at me, his phone still in his hand. I quickly get up. What I am going to do now?
We were just moving in together. I have already canceled the rent of my apartment. I wipe the tears of my face and take my phone out of my pocket. I scroll through the numbers before I get the one I need. I dial the number and pray she answers.
'Tess, it's me. I need your help'
'S, here is you're tea' Tess hands me a cup of boiling hot Camille tea. For calming my nerves she says. 'So you caught them red handed?' I nod. 'In the middle of you know, the act?' Again in nod my head. 'What a stupid...' She searched for words. 'I do not have the words' She takes a sip of her tea. 'But girl, you can stay as long as you like' I look to my best friend. 'I do not want to be a burden Tess. I am a grown up' Tess chuckles. 'Yeah, a twenty-three year old with no home and a shitty underpaid job. Love, you are staying with me until you have everything sorted out' I grin at her thankfully.
We drink our tea in silence, enjoying each other's company. Tess yawns. 'I am going to bed' She states. 'Okay, I am not tired yet'
'Can you take the cups to the dishwasher?' I salute her. 'Yes sir' Chuckling Tess shakes her head. 'Idiot' She stands up from her sofa and moves to the door. 'Oh, if you want to read something-' She points to her bookcase. 'I have a lot'
'Maybe. You know I am not that much of a reader'
'It can be' She yawns again. 'Okay I am going to bed. Night!'
'Night!' I call her after when she closes the door. I watch tv for a little while, but after midnight nothing special is on the tv. So I turn it off and I start to clean the cups by putting them in the dishwasher. After everything is cleaned up, my eyes fall on the bookcase. I am not tired yet. Maybe a walk could help?
London was after all still alive, people working and going out. I put my coat on and walk past the bookcase. Some books stand out because of their colored cover and gold letters. It reads; 'The Fellowship of the ring by J.R.R Tolkien' Maybe when I am back, I could read it. Tess told me once it was her favorite book, or books. If I remember correctly she also told me it was a trilogy. I shrug and move out of the door. Walking towards the lift, I get in and walk through the hall out of the building. The lights of the city never fail to amaze me. I start walking, letting my thoughts slip. when I walk past the Thames, I get through that someone is running fast behind me. 'Sara!'
Dear God why?
'Jason, why are you following me-' I look at the Big Ben. 'At one in the morning?!' I turn around, facing him. 'I can't let you go' He looks at the ground. 'I am sorry Sara. I really am'
'Great. Thank you for saying that. But I am done, like I said before'
'But Sara-'
'No Jason-' He grasps my wrist, trying to pulling me closer to him. But I resist. Standing firm. 'Are you even listening at me? I saying I am sorry!' He spats. 'Yes, it just takes me a while to process so much stupid all at once' I say, smirking at him. 'Like I said before Jason. I do not care anymore. I caught you with her! While you two were doing it dammit!' I see something change in his eyes. His grip on my wrist tightens. 'So you and I'
'There is no we anymore Jason' I sneer at him, trying stand firm against him. Trying to be brave. 'Have it your way. You are nothing without me' He release my wrist and pushes me away from him. I fall backwards and tumble of the edge into the cold water of the Thames. I hear Jason scream my name and I hit my head. Probably against the stone wall of the embankment. The blackness consumes me when I hit the water.
This is it. Now i die.
Please comment and vote! I really like reading your comments. I hope you like the first chapter! You know where Sara is going, but if she knows, that is for next time!

The Tenth Walker - Aragorn Fanfiction
FanfictionSara is just a ordinary girl. She has heard of the Lord of the Ring books but never read one. But what happens if she falls into the greatest stories ever told. What happens if she becomes part of the Fellowship of the ring? What happens when she be...