Chapter Three

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There was no official agreement yet. Bianca was in her brother's city to get a real feel for it, see the guest house, and meet a potential boss. Nothing more.

Her brother hadn't been lying about the guest house. She'd expected a miniaturized version of a one-bedroom house, barely big enough for a single person to live in for more than a weekend. But the place had two beautiful bedrooms, a large kitchen, and a comfortable sized living room. The bathroom looked like it was cut out from a sophisticated magazine.

Bianca hadn't visited her brother since he moved here just after the wedding. She'd seen a couple of photos, but none that did the house justice. What blew her mind was this property was a wedding gift from Kara's father. She'd heard the family had money, but didn't think it was this much money.

The main house had five bedrooms, four bathrooms, a family room, rec room, living room. Hell, it had rooms she never knew were even a thing. And between her brother's giant house and the lovely guest house was a full sized pool.

As Bianca stepped out of the guest house, she couldn't help but glance over her shoulder for one final look.

"So, what do you think?" Her brother yelled from the other side of the pool.

Bianca didn't want to appear too eager, seeing as her heart was still pulling her in two different directions. Starting her life over was a monumental step, but she supposed it was starting over either way. It was just the 'where' that was in question. "I think my brother forgot to mention a few things."

Matt worked on meeting her halfway along the edge of the pool. "Honestly, I was weirded out when he offered to buy us a house. When I found out he bought us this house, I nearly passed out. I'd be fine living in a shack in the middle of nowhere, so long as I could share it with Kara, but her dad wanted to do something nice, and she is his only child, so..."

"So, you just accepted a mansion with grace."

"I'm just happy he gave me his blessing to marry her," Matt answered honestly. "Luckily, I didn't know she came from this kind of money until I already planned on proposing. She's always lived frugally, and he knew she'd never mention it until she had to. And speaking of the nicest devil you'll ever meet, he's inside waiting for you."

Bianca could only shake her head as she looked down at her ripped jeans and Counting Crows t-shirt. "I thought I wasn't meeting him until tomorrow."

Matt placed his hand on her upper back and pushed her forward toward the main house. "He just stopped by to see the baby, and when he found out you were already in town, he figured why not kill two birds with one stone."

"But I'm one of the birds that has to die," Bianca wailed dramatically before cutting her performance short. "So, what does this guy do for a living, where he can hand out mansions like Halloween candy?"

Her brother laughed. "He was a surgeon up until recently. Just retired last year. But he's also designed a few medical devices that are used all over the world, which allowed him his early retirement."

When Matt opened the door, Bianca gave him one last glare for throwing her into this situation, before stepping into the main house.

And there stood the man in question. Brown boots, slightly stained dark jeans, blue and white plaid shirt. His beard was gray and peppered with dark brown, while his hair was the opposite. The soft smile on his face twitched a bit when her eyes met his, showing the slightest dimples on his cheeks and a sparkle in his brown eyes. 

"You don't look like a doctor," was all her stupid brain would allow her to say. Even if she couldn't smack herself on her forehead physically, she was certainly doing it mentally right now.

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