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Looking out at the rolling hills and vast shades of green, Bianca felt the calmness take over on a day she was meant to be nervous. And she had been the first time around.

When she married Jackson, she'd been happy, but didn't feel it completely like she had now. Today, there was no second guessing, no jittery feeling in her body or 'what ifs' in her heart. There was no wondering if this was the right choice for her life. Today, Bianca finally felt complete.

She could feel his presence in the room without having to look over her shoulder. It was a gift the universe had given her. A man to love and feel with all her being. "You're not supposed to see me on our wedding day, you know."

Kade laughed lightly. "It's a good thing you and I are professional rule breakers then," he told her before walking further into the bedroom. "Your father and I just finished having the talk."

Bianca turned around to face the man who'd become her husband in only a few brief hours. "The talk?"

"The 'hurt her and I'll kill you' talk. What was interesting about this one was I could give him the same right back."

Bianca narrowed her eyes at him, but couldn't hold the glare for long. He'd been so protective of her these last several months. Even as her dad and she returned to normal, Kade hadn't fully allowed himself to trust it. They'd been cordial with one another, but that seemed to be as far as their relationship with one another could reach.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it's the bride who spends the entire day getting ready," Kade quipped. "The wedding is four hours away, so if you're having second thoughts..."

Bianca quickly shook her head and wrapped her arms around him. "Not a single one. Just taking it all in, is all. This is my first time leaving the country, and it's for our wedding day. And this villa of yours-"

"Ours," Kade corrected. "Everything I have belongs to you, mi cielo. Everything I am, I am for you. This is our life now. Someday soon we'll come back, just the two of us, and I'll introduce you to my Argentina. But this week, today, is about exchanging our vows. And do you know what today is, my love?"

He'd never explained why he wanted to marry so quickly when he picked the date, but Bianca figured it out, eventually. "The one-year anniversary of the day we met."

"And when our lives changed forever."

Bianca closed her eyes just as Kade's lips brushed against hers. Once. Twice. Three times, before capturing her in a heart melting kiss she'd been craving since she woke up that morning. His tongue licked the seam of her lips until she allowed entry. He licked, nibbled, and kissed her with a sort of passion that felt reserved for only them.

Just as her robe hit the floor and his pants unbuckled, the door to the bedroom flew open.

"You're getting-" Kara squealed out before her voice took a turn, "seduced by my dad. Dammit, I should have knocked."

At least she was wearing underwear beneath her robe.

Kade smiled against her lips and redid the button of his pants. The words he spoke to her were loud enough for only Bianca to hear. "After the ceremony, I'm getting a do-over."

"Don't you mean after the reception?" She asked.

His smile widened. "If I meant that, I would have said it. I'll be fucking you in your wedding dress, so it's a good thing you already have a backup."

Not a backup, so much, as she just intended to change between the ceremony and reception."Good to know."

Kade placed one last kiss against her lips before he backed away, leaving her in the capable and slightly mortified hands of his daughter.


True to Bianca's word, she met Matt in the living room while everyone waited outside. "It's not too late to have dad walk you down the aisle, you know."

Bianca took her brother's arm and gave it a small pat. "I know it isn't, but you're the one who's been supportive this whole time. I know it wasn't easy for you at first, and it took you a while to fully make nice with Kade, but you've been there for me every step of the way. That means everything, Matt."

Matt gave her a warm smile, followed by a kiss on her temple. "Seeing as I'm the oldest, I should probably give you some words of wisdom or something. If I remember correctly, it's tradition to offer you an out, so if you want to bolt, I can get the car ready. But we're in another country, so I don't see it going that smoothly. That, and I don't think you have any need for an out."

"Nope," Bianca told him with a quick shake of the head. "No outs. No second guessing. No regrets, today. I just want to be married to the love of my life."

"Okay. Guess we've reached the part where we get you hitched, then."

"Best idea you've ever had."

There were less than twenty guests waiting for them, but all stood up when she walked out the doors, her loving brother by her side. Kade stood there waiting for her, next to the priest, wearing khakis and an untucked white button-up shirt, beneath the green hedge archway that led into the gardens.

He was beautiful in his simplicity, wearing the black-rimmed glasses he wore every day once he'd found out her weakness for them. He was so many things she'd wanted in a man. Kind, charming, quiet, doting. But he was also all the things she never realized she'd craved. Strong, but delicate, dominating, but submissive.

Kade was so much older than herself, and it killed her to know that by the time she reached his age, he'd be an old man while she had plenty of life ahead of her. Bianca wouldn't change a thing about their journey toward one another, though. Any amount of time the universe will give her with him would be a gift.

The priest spoke all the words that came with a wedding ceremony. Words of love that felt as though they paled compared to what they felt for one another. Their love felt so much bigger than any collection of words could ever describe.

When the priest turned to Kade, his perfect brown eyes stared back at her with a love that could move mountains and change the world. "I think of all the times we could have met before we did, seeing them as missed opportunities. And then I fell in love with you and realized you and I met each other at the right time in our lives. We both had to complete a stage in life that left us broken, allowed us time to heal, before we were ready to fall in love, and trust in that love.

"Mi cielo, I will love you every single day for the rest of my life. I'll support you, stand by you, fight for you, and never take what we have for granted. Nuestra historia de amor seguirá viviendo mucho después de que hayamos dejado esta tierra. Y cuando nos hayamos ido, nuestro amor continuará en el cielo. Tú, Bianca, eres mi eternidad."

"Bianca?" the priest said.

She shook her head. "I completely forgot what I was going to say."

Kade looked down and laughed. "Then how about we skip to the only part that matters?"


"I now pronounce you husband and wife."

That first earth shattering kiss of the first day of the life Bianca was always meant to lead. The spine tingling, foot popping, weak in the knees kiss she'd never experienced until she met the love of her life. Her happily ever after. 

Author's Final Notes:

For those of you who wish to make a donation, I do have a paypal link available on my profile. I know many have said they'd be interested in paying for my stories, or wanted me to set up a patreon, but I want people ot choose how much they are able to donate, and be have the option available for once, or monthly.

Not a requirement, and there are no extras received when you donate. Just my gratitude. 

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