Chapter Nine

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Kade admired Bianca's damp, rosy skin, and the way it glistened from the light in the kitchen. She'd become his paradise after only a day, and should have been terrified of what she might be to him by tomorrow. 

After fifty-three years, it seemed the there were still new experiences to be had, an emotion he hadn't yet felt in all that time. With his ex, he'd loved her at the beginning. He cared for her and would have protected her against anything. All that faded over the course of only a few years, but even when he said 'I do', she could have abandoned him right then and there, and Kade's world would have kept on turning with little change.

If Bianca ran from him now, which it appeared she had no intention of doing based on those 'fuck me' eyes and her parted lips, his world would shatter around him. Yes, this is what she did to him after thirty or so hours. In the five plus years he'd gone without sex, Kade honestly hadn't missed it that much. But thirty hours with Bianca, and now he couldn't imagine going without it for more than a day. Not when she was the one who'd be in his bed.

And that's exactly where he took her. After scooping up her glistening naked body, he carried her into the bedroom, her legs wrapped around his back until he laid her on the bed before standing straight.

"Undress me." Kade wanted her hands on him. He wanted them dragging and scratching his skin. He wanted to be branded by her, marking him as hers for all of time. After thirty fucking hours of knowing her.

Bianca sat upward on the bed, her breasts swaying at the movement, and brought her hands up to his shirt. One button at a time, her movements slow and delicate rather than feverish. She wanted to relish in this as much as he did. Once she reached the bottom button, Bianca slid the white fabric off his body, her fingers trailing against the skin of his arms.

Kade lifted his arms so she could free him from his undershirt, and he stared in fascination when her fingers ran down his torso, raking into his chest hair and exploring every ripple of his body. Her eyes seemed to zone in on every tattoo, desperate to know their meanings.

He'd be the first to admit he wasn't perfect. There was only so much Kade could do with age pushing back against him. When he was younger, just starting his career as a doctor, he was well built enough to land him Mr. December. A calendar came out every year for their city, focusing on the men of a certain profession that was different every year, and every year, the money went to a different charity. The next time his career was the one in focus, he'd been replaced by someone younger, better built, for the honor of that particular month, while Kade was demoted to April.

Time took its toll on him, and all Kade could do was his best to slow it down.

Bianca's fingers landed on his belt buckle, now unlatching with impressive speed. No longer relishing in the moment, but instead needing it. Within seconds, his pants were down to his ankles. "Shit, this is going to hurt, isn't it?"

Kade knew exactly what she meant by that comment. After all, her eyes were completely zoned in on his erection. "Your ex-husband lacked in this department, I take it?"

"I hadn't thought so until just now," Bianca admitted.

He smiled, more content than cocky in regard to her response. "I'll take it slow with you this time around, but I can't promise that for the whole evening. Lay down on the bed, beautiful. Let me take you in."

She did as he asked, like every time he'd requested something of her.

Although she'd been laying naked in front of him before, with the light of the bedroom illuminating the room, he was able to take her in. Like her smile, the beauty of her body intoxicated him. Small, insignificant scars and freckles only intensified the allure of her bare skin. Bianca had a full figure; not so thin that he had nothing to grab onto, but every pound of her was perfectly distributed. It gave her plump breasts he could take in his hands, a waist he could squeeze, and gorgeous thighs he was anxious to part again.

And he did just that. Kade opened her legs wide and laid his body above her, his hand firmly grasping his erection. "Tell me what you want, Bianca."

Her brown eyes sparkled, and a playful smile rose on a single corner of her mouth. Bianca wasn't used to saying her desires aloud. He could tell as much. But that only made it more meaningful that she was willing to with him. "I want you to make love to me. I want your mouth and hands all over me, and I want you to cum inside me."

"So, we're already protected, then?" He asked.

The sparkle in her eyes dimmed a bit, like she was holding back something that would ruin the moment. "Yes."

It was all Kade needed to know before entering her, not that it would have stopped if she said 'no', and wanted him in bare still. He'd take her any way she asked at this point.

So he watched as the first inch sank into her, flickering his eyes to hers only for a moment to see her own pinching shut. The next inch caused a whimper breathed out between her gorgeous lips. Another inch and her back arched, while her hands grasped at the sheets. He was nearly halfway there, but the width of him was already causing her an amount of discomfort.

Instead of giving her every last inch of him, Kade kept his strokes slow and only gave her what she'd already received. As much as he wanted to fuck her to high hell, Bianca had asked to be made love to. So that was what he was giving her. 

Her hips matched his own, thrust to thrust, and he felt her take more of him in. Kade had to think of something, anything, besides the woman beneath him and that sweet cunt that acted like a vice grip around his cock. Except his mind was only filled with her, and what she desired. Bianca wanted his hands and mouth all over her, so that's what he did.

Kade lowered himself, taking her nipple in his mouth, and rolled the sensitive flesh between his teeth. It seemed all she needed to arch her back and cry out his name, her pussy practically trembling against his dick. Fuck, she was sexy when she orgasmed. Almost made him blow his load right there, but he needed one more out of her for this round.

With firmer thrusts, Kade's hand moved down to circle around her clit, and watched in fascination as she grabbed his arm, the nails biting into his skin. It was a pleasurable pain, so much so that his hips and fingers sped just to feel them dig into him harder.

"Don't stop fucking me, Kade," her voice came out loud and pleading, and her hips lifted so he could take her deeper.

Deeper was exactly what he gave her, rolling his hips to hit the spot that would bring her to her next orgasm, over and over again, while her fingers went out to pinch her own nipples. They'd gone from lovemaking to a hard fucking in the blink of an eye.

Every time he thrust into her from the tip of his cock to the shaft, Bianca would groan out his name and beg for something; either more of him or for her release. He didn't care which it was. She'd be getting plenty of both tonight. With all fingers pressed and rubbing against her cunt, she screamed out once more, and the feeling of her reaching her next orgasm was enough to push him into his own.

Kade grit his teeth and felt his balls tighten as he burst in her. He allowed his cock to remain inside of as he lowered to her body once more and pressed his lips to hers, her hands moving into his hair to pull him closer. 

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