Chapter Twenty-Three

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Bianca was already in the shower when Kade locked the front door to her new home. He wasn't taking any chances this time; not after her mother walked in on him sneaking out of Bianca's childhood window. At least he'd been dressed, but that only made the situation slightly less mortifying. They were all aware he was spending Bianca's first night with her, but he knew being able to wake up to her in the morning would lead to more rounds, and Kara had a habit of letting herself in.

Rather than wait for her in the bedroom, Kade stripped his clothes as he made his way through the small house, stripped down to his boxers by the time he entered the bathroom. The smell of her rosemary shampoo and body wash was intoxicating. Hell, everything about her was intoxicating. From her weird snorts to her random snoring, he loved it all.

He pulled the curtain to the side and saw the thick white suds cascading down her body as she rubbed the soap across her skin. "I believe that's my job."

Bianca gave him a wicked smile and pushed her hair to the side. "Then get your ass in here and finish what I started. Or should I just use the shower head?"

Kade dropped his boxers and stepped in. "I can please you in ways that shower head never could, and I think you damn well know that."

He grabbed the bottle from the ledge and squeeze the aroma of rosemary into his hand to wash her back, admiring the dip at the bottom, just above her ass. "You are so damn beautiful. I still can't believe you're mine to keep."

Bianca looked over her shoulder. "Why is that so hard to believe? You're the one who has every woman practically creaming in their pants when you walk past them."

Kade laughed at the graphic comment. "And who told you that?"

"Pretty much everyone. They gave a more PG version, of course, but I've come to enjoy the more colorful language."

And she'd become a pro at that. Kade had taken her to hotels during the week she was at her parents, and the woman who blushed the first night he spoke dirty to her, while trying her best to match him, had become an x-rated sailor.

Sex hadn't happened the last three nights. He'd taken her to his place, but all they'd done was hold one another. He didn't mind. Bianca was heartbroken over her father, and it was his job as her boyfriend to take care of her.

It was strange to think of himself as someone's boyfriend at the age of fifty-three, and after being married for twenty-five years.

Kade slipped his hands across her stomach and up to her plump breasts, feeling them heave at his touch beneath his palm. He teased her nipples between his fingers until they got hard, then let one hand remain while the other traveled downward. "You are the one I want, mi cielo. Only you. Forever."

He turned her body to face the wall, away from the shower head, and began to stroke her. Bianca's body writhed against him, which only Kade to press down that much harder. Two fingers separating her fold, and a third hitting the little nub that would push her over the edge in no time. He kept to his slow, circular movements, his other hand still exploring her wet, bare breasts.

"I never knew one person could need another so completely until I met you, Bianca. I would have driven to another state every single day just to have you this last week. You've turned me into an unapologetic horndog with the libido of a man half my age."

"Your libido is going to be the end of me," Bianca spoke in a laugh, only to let out a groan when he applied a bit more pressure. "But I'll go to the grave smiling."

Kade smiled against the side of her face, placed a kiss against her chin, and rubbed her with frenzy until she came in his hand.

"Fuck." Her body went limp, but he held her up as she rode out the orgasm.

He wanted to give her another, but if Kade had a chance in hell of lasting in the bedroom, he'd be needing his own release now. Three days was too fucking long to go without her. "Get on your knees and suck my cock."

Bianca turned her head and kissed him hard as the rest of her body spun to face him. It felt like she was releasing all the pain from the last few days with each movement of her mouth, and damn if he didn't love her all the more for it.

With his hands in her wet hair, Kade just accepted he was along for the ride tonight. What happened Friday evening was out of her control, and now that's what she sought. Bianca needed to feel control and love in her life once again, and he'd hand both those things over to her without hesitation. A smile played at his lips as he spoke to her between kisses. "Please, Bianca. I want to feel your mouth on me. I'm goddamn desperate for you."

He'd begged for it, just as he'd requested from her Sunday night. It was the only way he could think to show Bianca he was handing all the control back to her. And the way her eyes sparkled at the words, she knew exactly what he'd done.

Bianca slid down to her knees and took his erection into her hand, pumping up and down slowly as her eyes remained on his own. It was the first time he'd allowed her to use her hands for this, as he only ever wanted her mouth while she was sucking him off. Kade enjoyed seeing her take every bit of him between those lips of hers, but tonight was not for him. All of this was for her, and Kade was happy to hand over the reins.

She swirled her tongue over the tip, licking his pre-cum and teasing the hell out of him. Then her lips encased him, and Bianca began to suck. With her hand still working the shaft with just the slightest pressure, her mouth worked in unison.

The hand that now held the back of her head was willed to not guide her. As much as Kade enjoyed his control, he'd swore to her almost a week ago that he'd submits to her every desire completely, and that what he needed to do for her tonight.

Her mouth sucked him harder, going down a little further every time, while her hand moved from his shaft to his balls in a gentle massage. With the added pressure, Kade gritted his teeth and let out a hiss. "Just like that." He was already on edge. Her mouth was on him barely over a minute, but he wasn't sure how much more he could take.

Soon her mouth was down to the shaft, going back to the tip, then straight down again.

"You want it on your tits or your face, beautiful? You're going to have to tell me right fucking now."

Bianca's eyes looked up at him, and he saw the slight sway of her head as her lips curved upward around his cock. Then she just went right back to sucking, completely and unapologetically greedy for him.

So Kade did what she asked silently. His eyes pinched shut and his cum shot to the back of her throat as she slowed down her movements and swallowed every last drop of him.

When Kade came down from his high, she smiled up at him. "Bedroom?"

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