Chapter Twenty

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Bianca stirred from her restless sleep from a thump, thump, thump in the near distance. Her body was given a tight squeeze before a gentle kiss, then the bed dipped and she was left all alone with only her memories of last night to keep her company.

She'd never seen her father so cold before, or cold at all, for that matter. He hadn't raised his voice to her since high school, and even then, it was out of love and concern. What happened last night hadn't felt like love or concern.

Disappointment was nearly a guarantee, as well as frustration. She'd expected anger toward Kade, while trying to talk her into reconsidering. But to throw her in front of two paths, and tell her she had to decide on only one rather than allowing them to merge... Last night, he was not the father she knew. He'd become a stranger in the blink of an eye.

Another kiss pressed against her temple, and Bianca opened her tired eyes to see Kade standing above her. "Are you feeling up to joining us in the living room, or should I ask your brother to come back later?"

Bianca sat up at the mention of her brother. "Matt? He's here?"

"He is," Kade confirmed. "He isn't angry, mi cielo, he just wants to talk."

Though she could barely move with the exhaustion weighing heavily against her bones, Bianca forced herself out of bed, still wearing her clothes from the night before, and followed Kade out of the room.

Matt sat on the chair, his hands clasped together between his legs, and the eyes she knew as well as her own, droopy and bloodshot. "Hey."

She gave him a tired smile and dropped herself onto the couch, Kade taking a seat by her side. "If you came here to talk me out of this, go back home."

Matt just shook his head, the movement slow and wobbling. "That's not why I'm here, Bianca. I just wanted you to know that I don't like this, but dad and I are far from agreeing. Kade was right. Unless you're being physically or mentally abused, or being taken advantage of, who you date is none of my business. I can't tell you how to live your life, and I won't try.

"I wanted to tell you that the guest house is still yours if you want it, and who you decide to have over for company is your choice."

Kade coughed by her side and readjusted his body. "I appreciate you trying, Matt, but-"

"You and I aren't okay right now, Kade. I get that this is your house, and if you want to be in this room for emotional support, that's fine. But right now I'm talking to my sister, not you."

"That's fair," Kade responded with a curt nod of his head.

When Kade said nothing else after that, Matt continued. "I kicked dad out of the house about five minutes after you left. Mom's staying with us for the weekend, and after that, I don't know. But dad won't be welcome in my home, or around his grandson, anytime soon. What he said to you last night... I know his anger just got the best of him, but either way, it's inexcusable, and you were absolutely right to stand up for yourself.

"Anyhow, Kara and mom offered to pack up all your stuff on Monday while dad's at work, and drive it back here. It's up to you where it goes. If you need a few days to think about it, we can just bring you some clothes, and store the rest of it in the guesthouse until you decide."

"Are you and Kara okay?" Bianca asked. "She didn't want to have to lie to you, which is why Kade and I came forward about this so quickly."

"We're fine," Matt reassured. "After being in that room, watching dad lash out and disown you, I realized that anger can make us do some stupid shit. Emotions fade. Actions don't."

When Bianca said nothing, Kade chimed in. "I know you asked me to keep my mouth shut, and I respect that, but I'd like to say something if that's alright with you."

Matt leaned back, a sigh falling from his lips as his back hit the cushion. "Say what you need to say, Kade."

He turned to her, taking her hand in his. "You make the choice that's best for you. Like Matt said, there's no rush. I will admit, I'd rather have you two blocks away from me than across town. If Matt thinks he can handle it, I trust he will do his best. Maybe it will even help him."

"Help me?" Matt questioned. "Why in the hell would you think that?"

"I meant what I said last night, Matt. I am deeply in love with your sister. Love at first sight isn't something I ever believed in, but I believe in us. If she's living in a place of her own, it would be easy for you to remain shut off from this relationship. You could pretend it doesn't exist, because you'll think that's what you need to do in order to forgive me.

"But this relationship exists. Her living in that guest house would force you to face this head on, and force you to see the man I am with her, and the woman she is with me. We truly make each other happy, and I would like you to bear witness to that.

"Last Monday, Kara stormed into my house. She knew I hadn't spent the night there on Sunday, and put two and two together. My daughter looked as if she was ten seconds away from shoving her stiletto into my eye. By the end of the conversation, she was completely calm. She realized this was love rather than lust masquerading as something pure. It was in my voice, and in the conviction of my words.

"The same happened with your mother only a few hours before that. She still hates me, and that's absolutely understandable, but by the end of her and I's conversation, she seemed to understand that this relationship wasn't just based on physical attraction pushing us into a reckless sentiment. She could see in my heart this was real, and knew there was no chance that either me or your sister would give that up.

"This won't be easy for you, Matt. I don't doubt that you hate being in the same room with me now. But I'd like to be given the chance to show you the love I have for her is real, and that I plan on taking care of the heart she's been kind enough to share with me."

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