Chapter Ten

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There was no way Bianca could give Kara back her dress without having it dry-cleaned first. There were too many tiny bits of proof of the shameful act she'd committed with her sister-in-law's father. And damn, she should have felt so much more ashamed of what transpired between them. Instead, like a drug addict, all she could do was wait for her next fix of him.

The man was fifty-three, but had the stamina of a college student the night before, all the way through the very early morning hours. He fucked her with his fingers. He fucked her with his mouth. And how a woman could divorce a man with a dick like that was beyond her. It was a gift all on its own, and the ways he used that gift left her with memories that would last her a lifetime, and a soreness that would last for days.

Even in her early stages of her relationship with Jackson, they'd never had sex that many times in a single night. Hell, she couldn't remember them having sex that many times in a full week. A part of Bianca wanted to call the Guinness Book Of World Records to see if they broke a record.

After the third round, Bianca assumed he'd be drained. But nope, he lasted six more rounds after that.

He'd made love to her in his bed, then on the kitchen counter while intending to make her a snack. He'd fucked her on his office desk during the house tour, then took her again in his hot tub on the screened-in porch. He fucked her from behind while they showered the chemicals from their bodies, then passionately took her in his bed. He fucked her on the bear rug in his living room, then again in the shower, before taking her one last time against a tree on while he walked her back to her brother's house. The small patch of woods was there, and he couldn't resist it.

She'd now known the man for approximately forty hours and had already filled her life with more passion than she'd even known. He'd been sweet, rough, demanding, gentle, and everything in between. Kade Calloway was filling her life with bright colors after living the last twenty-six years in black and white.

After shoving the dress at the very bottom of the bag, Bianca whipped out her phone and texted the man who'd only dropped her off half an hour ago, encouraging him to come over to see Matt before her brother went over there to apologized, and was hit by the strong aroma of sex.

After thirty seconds, she received a wink emoji as a response.

Although Bianca was not ashamed about what just happened, she was ashamed that she and Kara had joined forces to make Matt think he'd overreacted. If the same conversation took place today rather than last night, Bianca would have considered it a drastic under-reaction.

Bianca jumped in the shower to rinse the remainder of sex from her body and got dressed. by the time she looked presentable, it was seven in the morning, and she assumed the rest of the house was awake and moving by now. Seeing as they had a baby, there really was no such thing as sleeping in, even on a Sunday. 

As Bianca entered the main house, she noticed Matt pacing back and forth, a wailing baby in his arms, as Kara prepared a bottle in the background.

"You still mad at me?" Matt's eyes looked over at her hopefully, making Bianca feel like an asshole.

"No, I'm not mad at you," she relented, as it was the least she could do. "You're my brother, and thought you needed to protect me."

Bianca grabbed the small baby from Matt's arms, shifting around until the baby appeared comfortable. After a few moments of soft humming and rocking back and forth, the wails died down a bit. "The thing of it is, Matt, I don't need protection. I'm a fully grown woman, and I can take care of myself pretty damn well. If I thought for a second that Kade was being inappropriate, I would have handled it in my own way. But all he was being was kind, and making me feel like I could have a place in this city. He was trying to show me that I could have a support system here."

Like the way he'd supported her body last night as she rode him. The way he'd cradled her head against his chest during their breaks.

But like hell she'd be saying that aloud. She could hardly think about it without blushing.

Matt looked down at his feet. "So, you don't have a thing for him?"

Bianca opened her mouth to answer, only to snap it shut a moment later. Up to that point, she hadn't flat out lied to her brother about this. And the more she thought about it, she couldn't remember a time where she ever flat out lied to Matt. She'd twisted things a bit in the past, as she'd done last night, but never lied. And now, in her moment of reckoning, she still couldn't bring herself to do it, even with Kara staring her down behind him.

Seeing as her brother noticed the long pause before her answer, there really wasn't a point in denying it. "Fine, yes, I have a thing for him."

He didn't seem in the least bit surprised. Whether Matt had seen the hints in the way she'd been looking at Kade the last two days, or if he'd read between the unspoken lines during the thirty seconds it took to answer him. 

"Shocker. Another woman bites the dust to Kade Calloway. Why the fuck couldn't I have just had a regular, boring, old father-in-law like everyone else?"

"Because you decided to marry me, and everything awesome in me had to come from somewhere," Kara answered bluntly as she entered the living room and grabbed Brandon from her arms. "And it certainly wasn't from my mother.

"Let's just own up to it right now. My dad is one hell of a catch. He listens; like legit, hangs on every word when someone's having a conversation with him. He's thoughtful, attentive. He's turned into a damn good cook. When I was growing up, he always made me his number one priority, even though he had this insanely hectic job. He's travelled the world, loves learning about new cultures. He's wealthy, but doesn't shove it in anyone's face. He's handsome, but isn't arrogant. I honestly would have questioned Bianca's sexual preference if she hadn't noticed all that."

Those were fair points, and Bianca realized she never stood a chance against Kade Calloway's charms.

There was only a brief tap on the front door before she heard it open and close, moments before the man in question walked through the door. When no one said a word, it became pretty damn obvious what their last topic had been about. 

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