Chapter Thirteen

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It was half-past nine when Bianca heard a light tap on her window, and she rushed out of bed to pull it open. "Did you bring your own step ladder?"

Kade let out a breathy laugh as he hoisted himself upward. "I'm not as young as I used to be. If I'm going to pull something, I'd rather it be while I'm having sex with you, instead of when I'm on my way to have sex with you."

Bianca did her best to help him until both his feet landed on the floor. "You may not be as young as you used to be, but you aren't exactly old."

"You think so, huh?" Kade challenged with a light smile. "I've never had phone sex, Bianca. When I was your age, only rich people had cell phones, and you didn't dare have sex on a landline unless you lived alone. Though I do have to admit, now that I've done it, I certainly understand the appeal."

Kade looked her up and down, the playful look in his brown eyes clouding over in a gray mist. "Take off that robe, and sit on the edge of the bed, mi cielo."

"Your heaven," Bianca repeated in English. 

"You speak Spanish?"

"I speak Google translate," she admitted.

Although his eyes remained cloudy, a smile tugged at his lips. "You are my heaven, my hell, my salvation, and my undoing. Now, take off your robe, sit on the bed, and put my cock in your mouth."

The words left a cascade of goosebumps across her skin, but Bianca did as she was told, watching as he unzipped his pants, before both layers fell to the floor, followed by his flannel shirt.

Fuck, this man was utter perfection. Doctors weren't meant to look so perfectly put together. Retirees weren't meant to have rippled stomachs, glowing skin, the primal strength that made her feel so small by comparison. Grandfather's weren't meant to be so lean and beautiful, or have thighs that looked like they could crush a bowling ball.

And all this wasn't meant to belong to such a kind face with a bashful smile that could light up the Eiffel Tower. Not meant to belong to a man with graying hair and subtle dimples. Oh, and he loved to cook, was multi-lingual, doted on his daughter, and didn't have an arrogant bone in his body.

It wasn't fucking fair. No one person should ever have that much going on for them.

Bianca opened her mouth, her eyes practically pleading for him.

"Hands behind your back."

She did as she was asked, clasping her hands together. "Are you planning on arresting me, officer," Bianca teased.

"I'm planning on fucking that perfect mouth of yours. First, I have to know, how quiet do we have to be tonight?"

It completely escaped her that she was in her childhood bedroom, with her parents not very far away. "They'll be going to bed soon, and their room is on the other side of the house. Still, we should at least try to keep it down."

Again, she opened her mouth. Waiting. Needing. Craving him like heroin.

Kade stepped forward, took the back of her head in his large, calloused hands, and guided himself into her mouth. He moved slowly, making her feel every last inch of him. It hit her that much harder going this slowly.

As her eyes began to tear up, Bianca's hands unclasped behind her, only for him to make a 'tsk' sound. "I want to watch your eyes water. I want to hear you gag, and I want to hear you beg for it every time I take my cock away. Now, keep sucking me nice and slow like that."

Kade took the lead, forcing her head to remain still as he slowly slid in until it reached the back of her throat, held it there for five seconds, then slid out completely. 

When it didn't come back right away, she looked up at him, finding his all-knowing stare. "Keep fucking my mouth. Please," she added for good measure.

Who the hell was this woman she was becoming? She remembered early on in her relationship with Jackson. He said something along the lines of, 'I can't wait until I'm inside of you'. Bianca turned the color of a damn fire hydrant from that, so how did she go from that woman to this one?

This time, Kade wasn't slow and he wasn't gentle. These were no longer calculated movements. Now he was shoving every last centimeter of himself into her mouth, over and over again, stifling his groans the best he could. "Spread your legs, and rub that cunt of yours."

Bianca's thighs parted, and she risked a glance at him, seeing his cloudy eyes staring back at her before giving her a short nod. When she didn't follow his instructions right away, Bianca half-expected to be flipped over on the bed and spanked.

Instead, Kade pulled himself out of her mouth, and the clouds parted. "What's wrong, mi cielo?"

She wiped the saliva away from her mouth before answering. "I've already done that tonight. Now that you're here, I only want to feel you."

"That's the best reason for defiance I've ever heard in my life," Kade replied with a smile. "As you wish."


"You're very demanding in bed, you know," Bianca whispered against his chest.

He laughed above her. "So I've been told."

"Before or after your wife?"

"During, I suppose," Kade admitted. "The last year of my marriage, I'd given up remaining loyal to the relationship. She began bedding other men only five years after we married, all while spending my money on her lavish lifestyle. The only way I could avoid showing the hate I felt for her was to do the same. It was my outlet. Everything my wife made me feel, I took out on them. Don't misunderstand me, I wasn't abusive."

"You were a dominant," Bianca guessed. She didn't know much about that world; only what she learned in those famous, poorly written books. And it seemed those two men shared a common reason for their lifestyle. A woman. Fortunately, the woman who brought out Kade's anger was his wife and not his mother. Bianca could handle a lot of shit, but she doubted she'd be able to deal with that.

"In a sense, I suppose. Hadn't really thought about it one way or the other. What I did, I didn't do out of sexual desire. It was simply a release for me. My only way of staying sane. Once she became publicly obvious about her affairs, I pulled the plug on my marriage, and pulled the plug on that lifestyle, as I didn't feel like I needed it anymore."

Bianca twisted the sheet around her finger as she listened to his heartbeat beneath her. "So, you weren't planning on being dominant with me, then?"

"No, mi cielo. Slightly demanding, maybe, but you're the one with the power here. I plan to submit myself to you completely. Whether in the bedroom or outside of it, I want to give you everything your heart desires and everything your body yearns for. I'm yours completely to do with as you please, for as long as you please."

Her body shuddered at the words. "And what if I end up wanting forever?"

"Then you'll have it," Kade whispered as he dragged his fingers up and down her back. "What I feel for you, I've never felt for another woman. Not my wife, and not the women who came before or after her. When I look at you, I see a full life ahead of me. I see true happiness. The only way I'm giving that up is if you tell me you don't want it."

This was still new to her; Kade, and this feeling that came with him. But whatever was happening between them wasn't fleeting. It was all consuming. 

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