Chapter Thirty

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Bianca noticed the sound of Jazz playing as she found her way down the stairs, and into the kitchen, taking in the beautiful sight of Kade's hair in disarray, his upper body uncovered, showing off his beautiful tattoos, and the way his jeans held loosely on his hips.

"Whatcha doing?" She asked, a smile still on her face from the night before.

Kade turned at the sound of her voice, showing her the bare chest she still marveled at every single night, as well as the black-rimmed glasses he hardly ever wore, but she secretly loved. "Making you breakfast. Everyone rushed out of here before I could make dinner, and something tells me the cheese platter I brought up to you between rounds last night didn't quite do the trick. It's nice to see you still have use of your legs today. I worried I fucked you into paralysis last night," he teased, finishing it with a wink and showing off those dimples she could swim in.

"My legs are fine," Bianca reassured him before she stepped into the kitchen. "My vagina, however, is going to need at least a few more hours to recuperate."

"We'll see how you feel about that statement after breakfast." Before Bianca could respond to that, Kade set the bowl of eggs down and pulled her against him. One hand took her own, while the other wrapped around her waist. "Did you know that we've never danced together?"

Bianca swayed with him, realizing that her legs weren't as fully operational as she'd thought. "Huh. I guess we haven't, now that you mention it."

"There shouldn't be any activity ignored when it involves having you in my arms. Sometimes it feels like I just met you yesterday, still completely in awe of you, trying my best to contain everything I feel. Other times, I feel like we've known each other six lifetimes, and it just took a while for us to find each other this time around."

As sappy as it was, that was exactly how Bianca felt about it. That instant draw she felt for Kade. It was almost like the universe was pushing them together. Their love story needed to be told; relished in. "Need I remind you, the day after we met, you made no attempt to contain how you felt. It was like you were trying to give me an orgasm with your eyes at dinner."

Kade chuckled as he continued swaying her. "And need I remind you that you had to excuse yourself from the table to give yourself an orgasm in the bathroom. Something I would have been more than happy to help you with had you given me a signal to follow you."

He turned her in his arms so her back could rest against his chest as he continued to dance with her. "I recall not being able to take my eyes off you all night, wishing that I'd just invited you over to my place for dinner, under the pretenses of extending the job discussion. If we'd been alone for dinner that night, the only thing I would have been eating was that sweet pussy of yours."

Bianca closed her eyes and sucked in a breath. "Why are you trying to get me horny at nine in the morning?"

"Baby, I don't have to try. That's one of the many things I love about you. All I have to do is look at you long enough, and you're ready for me." After a brief pause, Kade continued. "Unfortunately, we won't be having sex this morning."

"Have to feed me so I can regain my strength?" Bianca guessed.

"That, and your father is currently standing outside our door."

Bianca's eyes shot open, and there her father was, looking through the long glass window beside the door.

Kade's arms dropped from her body, and he stepped around her to walk toward the entryway. Bianca did her best to fix herself up, patting down her hair and tightening her robe, while Kade opened the door for her father.

Her dad remained quiet for several moments, looking Kade up and down, then let out a cough. "You, eh, have an erection right now."

"It happens when your daughter is in my arms," he responded, as if the comment were nothing, all while Bianca was turning beet read in the background. "What can I do for you, Michael?"

"You can invite me in, for starters. Maybe put on a shirt so we can talk. Given you're older than me, I have to admit you're making feel very inadequate right now."

Kade gave her father a brief nod, turned to give Bianca a sympathetic look, and excused himself to go upstairs.

"This is some house," her dad noticed as he took it all in. "How was it picking out the furniture together? When your mom and I first moved into our house, it was like World War Three trying to agree on anything."

"We have similar tastes. His are more expensive than mine, but I don't think we disagreed on a single piece of furniture," Bianca told him. Now that she thought about it, Jackson and she had it out several times when trying to decorate together, but with Kade, it'd been the easiest thing in the world. It was the price tags that were the issue. He'd ended up just showing her screen shots of furniture without the cost being visible after a while. "Did you come here to make small talk, or-"

"I came here to apologize to you both," her father cut her off, his eyes finally landing on hers. "Yesterday didn't go as I'd planned. It felt like my marriage was riding on it, and I worried if I got too involved with anything, I'd just make it all worse, which I did anyhow. Everyone else has got used to the two of you being a couple. I haven't.

"Yesterday, I was preparing myself to walk in and see the relationship, and I ended up walking into a proposal. That wasn't easy for me, Bianca. It made me feel like I'd missed years of your life, rather than just six months. I didn't want to say or do the wrong thing, and ruin your moment, so I walked away to give the two of you space. Gave myself a pep talk and everything, but by the time I got my shit together, everyone had left.

"I know I've been an asshole, sweetheart, but I want to make things right with the two of you. That trust has to be rebuilt, I get that. But you have to remember, you are my only daughter, and that clouded my better judgement. I was so sure you were going to get your heartbroken, and I didn't want to be there to witness it. Not again, so soon after your last heartbreak. I thought you were making a terrible decision and foolishly thought I had the power to change your mind.

"I was wrong, Bianca. Seeing the two of you from outside, seeing the way he looked at you yesterday, and the way he put me in my place on the porch, I know it's love. That was obvious to everyone but me. Anyhow, I came here to admit that I was wrong, and ask for your forgiveness. If you aren't ready to give that, I understand. But I will do whatever it takes to rebuild the trust all of you have lost in me."

She hated that her father still had the power to make her cry, especially after all the tears she'd already wasted on him. All she could do was wipe them away and give him a slow nod. Bianca didn't want to be angry anymore, so she kept her voice calm when she finally could speak. "When I walk down the aisle, Matt will be the one giving me away. You lost that honor."

"Have I lost you?"

Bianca licked her lips as her gaze fell to the floor. "You haven't lost me, but you've let me down too many times for me to trust you won't let me down that day. No matter how angry Matt was about this, he showed up to make amends right away, and let me know he was there for me. He's stood by my side during all this, while you walked away again and again. I love you because you're my dad, but please understand why I can't trust you right now. Why I can't trust your apologies when you keep making the same mistake over and over again."

Although her father looked so timid, he did his best to stand tall as he nodded. "I understand."

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