Chapter Eight

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Once the door closed behind her, Bianca looked around. The house was probably the smallest one in the neighborhood. It looked... normal. Not where you'd imagine a renowned single surgeon would live. It seemed the attractive doctor had little interest in spending his money on luxuries for himself, which would explain why he could afford to purchase such a lavish house for his daughter at the drop of a hat. It was admirable and made the man seem less unobtainable.

The suit jacket he'd placed back on her shoulders for the walk back to his home slid off and onto the floor, while the hands that moved it remained on her arms, drawing little circles with his thumbs. Then he stepped closer to her, until his chest was flush against her back, and his hands draped across her stomach.

"It's been a long time since I've had a woman in my bed, Bianca. You'll have to forgive me for being a bit out of practice." Kade's hands lowered and bunched up the fabric of her black dress. While one held the fabric out of the way, the other sought her clit above the fabric of her underwear. "Fortunately, you've been wet for me all night, so I can't imagine it taking much for you to reach climax. Tell me, Bianca, would you have masturbated if I hadn't been in the house waiting for you?"

A heavy blush took over her cheeks. She'd never been one to be so forward in talking about sex, but Bianca wanted to be that woman for him. She wanted to be everything he desired. So she answered the question honestly, even if it was with a shaky voice. "I masturbated in the restaurant's bathroom. But yes, I would have probably needed to again if you hadn't been there."

"Were you imagining it was my fingers fucking you, giving you the orgasm you were so desperate for?" He asked as he pressed his fingers down harder before rubbing small, vehement circles.

When Bianca dropped her head back, it landed against the crook of his neck. She could feel his lips brush against her temple. "I was imagining it was you," she admitted freely.

After a little adjusting, Bianca found an angle where she could finally feel his kiss. She cupped her hand over his cheek, feeling the coarse hair of his beard prick at her palm. His nose bumped hers before he found an angle where his mouth could fully take over her own. And at the moment where she could finally taste him once again, Bianca felt Kade move her underwear to the side, and two of his fingers entered her.

He consumed her gasp with his mouth. And the harder he kissed her, the firmer his fingers moved inside of her. It all seemed so perfectly timed. But then his fingers left, and Bianca felt empty. Needing.

The sound of her zipper being lowered filled the room, and his mouth moved to her neck until her dress fell to the floor. Next came her underwear, and then her bra. She stood completely bare in his living room, never feeling so exposed or so desired in her life. Bianca's body spun around to face him, but rather than kiss her again, Kade backed her until she ran into a piece of furniture.

He picked up her body with ease and set her on top of the couch. Bianca did her best to keep herself balanced. It would have been so easy to fall, no matter which direction she tilted.

"Lay yourself down, Bianca."

She did as she was told and felt his fingers come back to rub her.

"Is this how it felt in the bathroom, when you imagined my fingers on you? In you?"

Bianca shook her head. "It wasn't as good as the real thing," she admitted. "Only you could feel this good, Kade."

Two fingers went back into her, as the other hand remained on her clit with the perfect amount of pressure and slow movements. "The first time you said my name, I imagined you groaning it out as I fucked you. I imagined you screaming it while you orgasmed over and over again. That's what I want from you, Bianca. Tonight, I want you groaning and screaming my name until the sun rises. And I'll be moaning yours while your mouth is on my cock, and while your sweet little cunt is riding me."

"And after tonight?" Bianca couldn't help but ask.

Kade's hands paused, and moments later, his body draped above her own. "After tonight, I'll take as much of you as you allow me to. If you decide to move here, I'll be fucking you every chance I get. And if you don't move here, I have a vehicle and plenty of time on my hands to make the trip whenever I crave you.

"I've known you for approximately thirty hours, but I already know I don't want to go without you. Eventually you and I will be found out, and when that happens, I'll deal with your brother's wrath, because you make me feel like the man I thought died off years ago. You make me feel territorial, lustful, and damn if I don't get hard every time you look at me for over five goddamn seconds."

His body lifted off of hers, and Bianca felt his fingers return, pressing down and rubbing feverishly against her clit until she screamed out his name thirty seconds later. Her mind a blissful haze, her body limp, and the world spinning around her, Bianca risked glancing up at him.

"I'd go to hell and back to have you, Bianca. That's what you've done to me since you walked into my life yesterday. So, to answer your question more thoroughly, I plan on being yours for as long as you'll have me."

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