Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Kade opened the door to her childhood home after tapping a single knock against the wood. He was used to not having to knock, but it'd been a long time since he had that sort of relationship with Michael.

He'd already seen Matt and Kara's vehicle outside, but Kade knew they hadn't brought the baby. Matt felt like his father had to earn back grandparent privileges and wasn't sure how long he'd be able to be around his own father outside of a therapist's office before he snapped.

"We're here!" he called out. When Kade looked behind him, prepared to take Bianca's hand in his own, he saw her still in the entryway. "It'll be fine, Bianca. I stood back the first time because I thought it'd be easier for him to get everything off his chest. I have no intention of making that mistake a second time. One hateful word toward either of us, and we're gone."

Bianca looked past him into the house, then gave him a reluctant nod before stepping in.

Kara pranced into the room from the way of the kitchen, looking lovely as always. Kade knew his daughter well and knew exactly what put the pep in her step on such an awkward night. "You're hammered right now, aren't you?"

She held up her pointer finger and thumb. "A bit. We all decided booze would make things easier, but then Matt just went down to the basement, and Michael's been sitting on the back porch staring at nothing. It's been a weird forty minutes. It was all Jackie and I could do to stay sane."

Kade did a sideways nod, mentally preparing for what would likely be the most awkward evening of his life, which was saying quite a bit. But this was something that needed to be done. Last time the two men encountered each other, Michael had gotten more than his fair share of words in. Now it was Kade's turn.

Instead of getting his own glass of booze to catch up, he turned to give Bianca a kiss on the temple, then again on the cheek, before placing another chaste one against her lips. "I'm going to speak with your father."

He walked away, leaving Bianca with Kara before she tried to follow. It was cool in the house, but summer was fast approaching, and the humidity in the air hit him as soon as he opened the screened-in porch in the back.

Michael didn't so much as glance up at the opening of the door. Instead, he picked up his drink; the ice cubes knocking against the glass, and took a slow drink. "Suppose you and I had to get this done eventually."

Kade let out a lazy laugh and took off his open flannel shirt, knowing the heat would get the best of him in no time flat. After dropping it across the armrest, he took the seat next to Michael and poured himself a drink of his own. There was only one glass out there that wasn't already taken, sitting by the liquor bottle as if it'd been waiting for him.

Michael had been waiting for him.

"You and I have spent a lot of time out on this porch. It seems fitting."

Kade brought the glass up to his lips as Michael spoke. "I didn't realize you had tattoos. How's it possible that I've never seen you in short sleeves?"

"Because the first time we met, it was winter. All of us went out to dinner to celebrate the engagement, and there was a guy two tables over who had a sleeve tattoo. You spent the first five minutes wondering how a guy like that could afford to go out to eat at a place like that. You judged him right off the bat. I didn't want you judging me just because I put my life's story on my skin. Anyhow, you have seen me in short sleeves. These two are new."

"So, they mean something, then?"

Kade nodded. "I have Kara's birthday on my chest. A badge on my left shoulder blade to represent my dad, scales of justice on the other to represent my mom. A caduceus in the middle of my back. And this right here," Kade said, pointing to the one he'd gotten last month. "This one's for your daughter."

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