Chapter 1 - The Dream

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Bucky found himself in a very bright place. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, he could even smell the flowers. There were so many flowers in that garden..and some even flew.. wait.. that can't be right.. Bucky thought.. flying flowers? He took a closer look and they were actually butterflies.. so many of them. He had never seen so many butterflies in his life.

"Beautiful isn't it?" He heard a girl's voice saying softly. He looked to the right to the source of the voice, and saw an angel..a beautiful angel, with flowing dark hair, warm brown eyes, ivory skin that shone so bright, and a beautiful smile that made his heart warm. He finally felt calm, peace and happy, after decades of being in the dark. He knew at that moment that everything was going to be alright. As long as he had her by his side.

Bucky's eyes flew open in a start. He found himself in the dark. He felt the hard floor under him, and the blanket fell to the floor. He realized he was dreaming. A weird dream too. He was used to having nightmares. Memories of the murders that he had done always haunt him. That's why he slept on the floor. The hard and uncomfortable floor made it harder for him to fall into a deep sleep. And when he wasn't sleeping too deep, the nightmares usually didn't come. Even if they come he would wake up easier from them. But this time was different. He had a good dream for once. He tried to remember as much of the dream as he could. Knowing that he could easily forget them in the morning. He could still feel the happiness he felt in that garden. And the love he felt for the wasn't an angel he saw, it was a girl.. the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. He tried to rack his brain, wondering whether he had seen her somewhere before. Maybe on TV. He had watched too much TV this week. He even watched a romantic comedy movie that week. Maybe that was what brought the dream. Maybe he should start dating again. He thought. Then he chuckled..yeah right.. who would want to date an ex assassin. Girls would just run away scared of him if they knew he had a metal arm that could choke them in one squeeze. He shook his head to try forget he even had this thought.

Bucky turned on the light and saw on the clock that it was 5.30 in the morning. Might as well wake up, he thought. He went to the bathroom, took a quick shower, brushed his teeth, then put on some clothes. Black clothes. Even his underwear was black. He loved black. It reflected his mental state most of the time. He then went to the small pantry and got a clean bowl and spoon, opened his fridge and realized he didn't have any milk. He opened the cupboard above the fridge and found it empty as well. Great. He forgot he had run out of cereal. He decided to just go out to the diner for once and eat a warm breakfast. It was only 6 am though, the diner was probably still closed. So he decided to just make himself a cup of coffee and recheck the address of Mr.Weaver's family. The last man written on his small book.

He had done research on Mr.Weaver and found out he left a wife and two children when he killed him. Mr.Weaver was an American spy that worked for the US Army. He tried to find where his family was, and he found out that his daughter lived in New York while his wife and son lived in Oklahoma. He had decided to try and find the daughter first, since he himself lived in New York. He knew the daughter's name was Adriana. He saw it on the army's record of Mr.Weaver. So he tried to find an Adriana Weaver on Google and Facebook. He found some accounts with that name but only two said the account's owner lived in New York. He had checked out both accounts and found out where they work. Curiously one account didn't have pictures of herself posted at all. Just pictures of clothes and cats. This Adriana worked in fashion. And her office wasn't too far from where he lived. The other Adriana was a dentist, who worked a bit farther from where he lived. This Adriana posted pictures of herself on Facebook. So it shouldn't be hard to find her. It's the other Adriana that was going to be harder to find. He wasn't sure he was going to be able to just waltz into the office where she worked and asked to meet her, not knowing what she looked like. So he decided he could just spy a little. Just like old times. Used his binoculars and bugs and all. Using his old spying skills.

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