Chapter 26 - The Leap

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Note: Smut though not vulgar..if you're under age or not comfortable reading smut, you can skip the parts marked with ~

Bucky was immediately in a bad mood listening to Adriana talking on the phone with Sebastian. He wondered what Sebastian wanted from Adriana.

"No, it's okay. Umm.. yeah.. sure. Where?" Adriana asked Sebastian.

"Okay. Do you mind if I take Bucky with me. We were just finished training and about to go and get lunch anyway, so.." she trailed.

"Okay, thanks. Yeah, I'll see you later Sebastian." She smiled and hung up.

Bucky stared at her incredulously. Did she just do what he thought.

"Who was that?" Bucky asked coldly.

"It was Sebastian Stan." Adriana said, putting her phone back in her bag.

"What did he want?" Bucky asked, his tone unpleasant.

Adriana sighed.

"He said he needed to talk to me..he wants to meet's work related." She answered carefully.

Bucky furrowed his brow.

"Work related? Couldn't he wait until Monday? It's the weekend for God's sake." Bucky protested.

"I know..but he's a busy actor.. maybe today is the only time he can meet me." Adriana reasoned. Bucky just stared at her, feeling a little angry.

"Look Bucky..I know you don't like seeing me with him that's why I asked him if you can come along, he said you can.. so.. will you come with me?"

Adriana approached him slowly, trying to soothe him with her voice. She put her hands around his waist, pulling him to her. Then she looked up at him and kissed him on the lips softly. Bucky couldn't stay mad at her too long. Especially not when she kissed him like this.

"Fine." He finally said, breaking the kiss.

Adriana smiled.

"Thank you Bucky honey." She stroked his cheek with her thumb and kissed his cheek.

"When are we meeting him?" Bucky asked, peeling himself away from her.

"Today, for lunch. He said to meet him at Rubirosa. You like that place right?" Adriana said, her eyes hopeful. She really didn't like seeing Bucky upset.

"'s okay." Bucky said. He actually loved the place, it was the place where he and Adriana had their first date. He hated that Sebastian Stan had to ruin that for him.

"You're still upset aren't you?" Adriana asked, concern in her eyes.

Bucky suddenly felt guilty for being so jealous and angry, but he couldn't help it. He felt a little possessive of her. Especially with someone who looked like him as competition. But then again, Adriana had the right to meet with anyone she wants. It wasn't like they were married. He tried to brush away the jealousy and anger and be more supportive of her. She was meeting Sebastian for work, and nothing else. And he was going to be there to supervise them anyway, so he really should have nothing to worry about. He took a deep breath and exhaled.

"A little..I admit I'm still a little jealous. But, if it makes you happy I'll try to be more supportive." He gave her a smile then he put his hand on the side of her face, getting lost in her beautiful eyes and said "I love you."
He felt like it was the right moment to say it to her.

"I love you too Bucky." Adriana responded with a smile on her face.

He leaned in to kiss her gently, trying to convey how much he loved her. It was the most heartfelt and loving kiss they ever had. Bucky felt like his chest was going to explode.

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