Chapter 28 - The Kidnappers

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It took Bucky several seconds to recover from the shock of seeing the van vanished into thin air. He immediately realized who it was that just kidnapped Adriana. The Flag Smashers.

His heart was in turmoil. Rage, sadness, regret, anxiety, dread. He felt the world couldn't be more cruel at him. Maybe he just wasn't born to be happy. He was born to suffer. If only he had postponed telling her about him killing her father, she wouldn't have gone out and gotten kidnapped. If only he didn't fall in love with her she would've been fine. A series of if only thoughts flooded his mind, making his head hurt. He sighed and kicked himself mentally and tried to clear his head. He needed to save Adriana.

He ran back to her apartment and grabbed his phone, pressing Sam's number as fast as he could. Sam answered on the first ring.

"Sam! They took Adriana!" Bucky yelled onto his phone, panic started to creep on him.

"What?! They kidnapped her too?!" Sam exclaimed.

"What do you mean..too?" Bucky asked, confused.

"Did they kidnap someone else too?"

"Yes! They took Leila!" Sam exclaimed.

"Who?" Bucky asked, even more confused.

"My girlfriend, Bucky." Sam answered heavily.

"You have a girlfriend and you didn't tell me.." Bucky was offended Sam didn't tell him at all about this.

"I'm sorry, Buck. I just started dating her for a couple of weeks. I wasn't going to tell you or anyone else unless it gets serious." Sam said apologetically.

Bucky sighed.

"It's fine. Do you have any idea where they are?" Bucky asked, focusing back on what was important, saving Adriana.

"Not yet. I've asked Red Wing and EDITH to track them down. They haven't found them yet. I think you should come down to the compound while we wait." Sam answered.

"Okay. I'll be right there." Bucky agreed.

He hung up the phone and went to her bedroom to suit up.

An hour later he arrived at the Avengers compound, hoping Sam had gotten news on Adriana's and Leila's whereabouts. He hoped she was alright and not hurt. His heart plummeted at the thought of her possibly being hurt.

He found Sam and the other Avengers in the meeting room on the penthouse. A large monitor had been set up in front of the meeting room. EDITH was put on a table in front of the monitor and it was projecting videos, photos, maps, and various text on to the monitor.

"Hi guys." Bucky greeted them all and took a seat next to Sam.

"Bucky, so sorry about what happened." Bruce said, his face looked concerned.

"Thanks Bruce. Any leads?" Bucky asked Sam.

"Nothing yet, Buck. They literally vanished into thin air." Sam answered, his face grim.

"How did they take Leila?" Bucky asked.

"She was taken on the way home. She left work around 7 pm with a friend of hers. Her friend said they were not far from her apartment when they took her and put her in a van, then the van vanished, just like that plane I saw in Cologne." Sam explained.

"Yeah, they took Adriana in a van too and it went really fast and disappeared." Bucky said.

"So, The Flag Smashers did it." Rhodey said.

"Yes, but why.. what is it that they want?" Bucky asked.

"I think they're sending us a message." Sam said.

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