Chapter 2 - Revelation

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Bucky and the Gucci employees were startled.

Adriana Hung up her phone and asked Bucky "Are you okay?" a look of concern on her face.

"You look a little pale." She continued.

"I'm fine. Just slipped my fingers." Bucky answered sheepishly.

A waitress then came outside and helped clear the mess. Bucky apologized frantically for breaking the coffee cup and paid the waitress some money to make up for it.

He then said to Adriana and her friends "Sorry for startling you guys."

"It's okay. We're all okay. We hope you're okay?" Asked one of the men.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Bucky responded.

"Wait.. I think I've seen you somewhere before.." the man tried to remember.

Bucky quickly got up and said he had to go before he was forced to answer anymore of their questions. He didn't think he could say anything. He was still shocked from the realization that the girl in his dream was Adriana Weaver, and that he just broke a coffee cup in front of her and embarass himself.

"Take care." Adriana said and smiled at Bucky.

Bucky immediately felt the same warmth he felt in his dream. He smiled back and blushed. Then he left without saying a word. Afraid he would out himself the longer he stayed there. He walked towards the subway station, but he could feel Adriana's eyes was still on him. He didn't dare looking back though. He just continued to walk.

The journey from 195 Broadway back to his apartment felt really long to Bucky. He had a million questions in his head. One of them was the big one. He wondered if the Adriana he just met was the Adriana that he was looking for. The daughter of the man he killed. If she was who he was looking for, then he was certain there would be no future for him with her. No one in their right mind would date someone who killed their father. Oh how cruel the world had been to him. The one time that he fell in love again after decades, he had to fall in love with someone who couldn't possibly want to be with him. He felt anguished and sad. But then he thought..what if she wasn't the Adriana he was looking for. Maybe it was the dentist. He decided to find out that very same day. He found the number of the dental clinic the dentist Adriana was working at, and made an appointment for that afternoon.

Bucky arrived at the dental clinic 15 minutes before the appointment. The dental clinic was small, there were only 2 people there aside from him. The receptionist and another person who he assumed was another patient.

"Hi, I'm James Barnes, here for the 3 am appointment." Bucky said to the receptionist.

"Good afternoon Mr.Barnes. I take it you're a new patient?" She asked.

"Yes, I am." Bucky answered.

The receptionist then gave Bucky a form to fill. And she asked

"May I ask, what is your dental problem today? How can we help?" She asked.

"Oh, I just want a routine check up, maybe a routine scaling." He said.

"Certainly Mr.Barnes. Once you're done filling the form, please have a seat, we'll call your name once dr.Weaver is finished with her current patient." The receptionist told him cheerfully.

"Alright, thanks." Bucky said.

As he filled the form, he stopped at birth year..he wasn't sure what year he should write in it. He mentally did some calculations, and thought he could pass as a 35 year old, so he wrote 1988, laughing internally. He filled the rest of the form with no problem, then returned it to the receptionist and took a seat.

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