Chapter 31 - A Ray of Light

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After taking a quick shower and changing into clean clothes, Bucky immediately went back to the hospital. As he entered the hospital ward he saw Adriana being taken to her room. He quickly caught up with her and stopped the nurse who was pushing her bed.

"Is she okay?" Bucky asked the nurse.

"Oh yes Mr.Barnes. She's stable. We're taking her to her room." The nurse responded, smiling at him.

"Okay. Let me help you." Bucky offered to push the bed.

As he pushed it he glanced at Adriana and his heart broke. She looked so pale and fragile. She had oxygen tubes in her nose and an IV connected to her left arm.

"Careful Mr.Barnes!" The nurse suddenly shouted.

Bucky almost hit someone. He was too focused on Adriana. He stopped and let the nurse pushed her. He was much too emotional to do that. He didn't want to hurt anyone else.

Adriana's room was located on the 3rd floor of the building, 2 floors above the recovery room. Bucky opened the door to her room and the nurse wheeled her in. The nurse connected the oxygen tube on Adriana's nose to a hole on the back of the bed, connecting it directly to the oxygen supply flowing to all the rooms in the hospital. She then set the IV so the fluid drips into the tube constantly. She then showed Bucky the button to push in case he needed help.

"Thank you so much." Bucky said.

"No problem Mr.Barnes. Is there anything else I can help you with?" The nurse asked.

"When can we expect her to wake up?" Bucky asked.

"Well, she's still under anesthesia. We also gave her pain killers which may cause her to be more drowsy. So it will be awhile." The nurse answered.

"Oh okay. Thank you." Bucky said. He was hoping she would wake up soon. He was curious whether she actually had lost her walking and speech abilities.

"No problem Mr.Barnes. Now if you'll excuse me." The nurse smiled and excused herself from the room, leaving Bucky alone.

Bucky approached Adriana slowly. When he finally reached her bedside, he held her hand and kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry Adriana..I'm really really sorry..about everything." Bucky said sadly.

He stroked her cheek gently. Wishing she would wake up and tell him she accepted his apology and that she loved him no matter what. But she did not respond. The only thing convincing him she was still alive was the subtle rise and fall of her chest.

Bucky took a nearby chair and sat down, still holding Adriana's hand. Wishing he could transfer his life force to her. He spent a long time in that position, just staring at her while sitting by her and holding her hand. He remembered the nights when he did the same, just staring at her while she slept. This felt familiar but the circumstances couldn't be more different.

A tear fell from his eyes and he started sobbing, letting all the grief and sadness he had felt ever since she got shot to come out. After awhile he finally stopped. He felt really tired and a little sleepy. So he closed his eyes and soon he drifted off to sleep.

Bucky found himself staring at Adriana as she cleaned his upper lip. She withdrew her finger quickly and blushed furiously. Bucky thought she looked so cute being all flustered like that. He liked seeing her that way.

Suddenly they were both in Central Park, in the secret garden, the backdrop of the most memorable dream he ever had in his life. He was staring at her beautiful face as butterflies flew all around her. He closed his eyes and slowly closed the gap between them. Holding both her hands in his, he kissed her lips softly and his heart pounded so hard. He felt he was in cloud nine.

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