Chapter 20 - The Shrink

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After spending the morning at Dear Butter, Bucky went back to his apartment to grab his clothes. Then he rode his motorcycle back to the Avengers compound. Once there, he immediately looked for Sam. He had called Sam before but he didn't answer. After asking around, he figured out that Sam was apparently training Torres at the airfield.

When he got there, at first he couldn't see where they were, but then he heard sounds from above and saw two specks flying around that seemed to be them. He squinted hard and could make them out. Sam was doing the barrel roll and Torres was trying to do the same, with limited success. Suddenly Bucky felt his shoulder was clapped. He jumped. It was Rhodey.

"Bucky, you're back. Good to see you again." He said.

"Oh God, Rhodey, you surprised me." Bucky exclaimed.

"Sorry, man." Rhodey said apologetically.

"Sam said you were out with your girl. Didn't expect you to be back so soon." Rhodey continued.

"Yeah, something came up." Bucky said simply.

Rhodey looked at him and studied his face.

"What?" Bucky asked, confused why Rhodey would stare at him.

"First fight?" He asked Bucky knowingly.

"What!? No.." Bucky fumbled, he was surprised Rhodey could read through him, he usually was able to hide his emotions.

"Talk to me, Bucky, it's okay. I've had my fair share of woman problems. Maybe I can help you out." Rhodey kindly offered.

Bucky was silent for a moment, he wasn't used to open up to just anyone. Even with Sam it took him awhile. But maybe it was time to open up to someone else. Maybe Rhodey had a different take on his problem than Sam. He sighed.

"Well Rhodey, my woman problem is a lot more complicated than most, I bet. Are you sure you want to know?" Bucky asked carefully.

"Yeah, try me." Rhodey challenged.

"Okay." Bucky then told Rhodey everything, starting from the dream he had, how he met Adriana, up until the meeting with Sebastian earlier that day. The whole time Bucky was talking, Rhodey didn't have a reaction, he just stayed quiet and listened. After Bucky was finally done Rhodey said.

"Well, you weren't exaggerating when you said your problem is complicated."

"I told you." Bucky said, sighing.

"Well, all I can say is, whatever happens just stay true and listen to your heart." Rhodey advised him. Bucky was confused for a minute. He was expecting something a bit more specific.

"Can you be more specific?" Bucky asked.

"Well, I can't tell you what to do and not to do. You have to decide it by yourself. Just remember that truth will always come out. So it's better to say the truth than hiding it." Rhodey explained. Bucky sighed.

"But what if the truth hurts someone else? And has the potential to destroy everything?" He asked.

"Love will always find a way Bucky. And love is better built on truth than lies." Rhodey answered.

Well, Rhodey's advice was basically the same with Sam's.

Bucky sighed. He really did not want to tell Adriana about the fact that he killed her father. He would rather break up with her and hurt her that way than hurting her by telling her the truth. But two of his close friends had basically told him to tell her. Maybe they were right and he was wrong. Maybe Adriana would really forgive him. But what if she didn't forgive him. What then? Would he survive the pain being without her? He remembered the moment he saw Adriana with Sebastian, how painful it was. Bucky felt a little prick on his eyes. Was he about to cry? He took a deep breath and blinked several times, trying to stop himself from crying.

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