An Unlikely Ally...

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Request: Unlikely Ally...

Description: Hello Class 1-C.  From a friend, I've heard you're all still looking for information about the former 1-C students. If you want the information, I need one of you to meet me behind the school. Please don't tell anyone of what you find. Remember, someone could be watching.

Client - Anonymous...

Payment - ???

Rank: ???



After reading the note on the request board, Mikoto showed it to Hein and Riku who were with him.

Hein: So this must be the reliable source that the hooded person is talking about...?

Mikoto: Yeah...Who would've thought we be meeting them sooner than later.

Riku: I'll notify everyone else about this matter. Right now. Take caution Class Rep.

Mikoto: I will.

Hein: If I sense something is wrong, I give you the warning.

Mikoto: Right...(Okay. Let's meet up with this person.)

Riku gave him to a wireless headset and earpiece as Mikoto ventured outside into U.A's garden.

Since Zoe wasn't there like she usually would be if she's tending to the plants, he would have to face the person by himself.

Mikoto: (Okay. Hein. Riku. I'm here. But I don't see no one yet.)

Hein: (Be patient, Mikoto. They have to be around here somewhere.)

Riku: (For now. If you see someone else that's familiar. Just act natural.)

Mikoto: (Right.)

???: There you are.

Mikoto quickly turned his heels to see a boy about at least year older than him. He had spikey jet black hair and brown skin. He had two large scars between his eyes. From the photo he remembers earlier, the snow user's  eyes went wide at who he was now speaking with.

Yuiga Sakti Nijiro - Male - Quirkless

Mikoto: You're...a member of the original Class 1-C.

Yuiga: It's nice to meet you. Mikoto-kun.

Mikoto: You...know my name?

Yuiga made a pleasant smile.

Yuiga: Of course I do. I saw you at the Sports Festival and other places on television. You and the other kids of Class 1-C...I'm amazed at how you all managed so far. As your senpai, I'm pretty proud of ya.

Mikoto: Oh...

Yuiga: Oh. Where are my manners. I should introduce myself. My name is Yuiga Sakti Nijiro. A former member of the first Class 1-C from last year. My quirk...well...You should know already by now that I don't have one.

Mikoto: That's right...Because you're quirkless...

Yuiga: Yeah...and you can tell from the scars I've suffered, life before now wasn't easy for me...or for anyone else.

Mikoto: Yeah...Yuiga-Senpai.

Yuiga: Now Now! No need to be so uptight and formal. As far as you can tell, I' longer a student and heck. I don't even deserve to be called a senpai anymore, kid. In fact, I'm not even supposed to be here at U.A...but welp. Here I am.

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