What's Your Choice???

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Tsume: And that shows how dangerous Niko is...

Class 1-C:....

Present Mic/Geysis:.....

After Tsume had explained everything to them. Everyone went silence. I mean they weren't surprised but they still didn't know what to say.

Mikoto always knew that Niko was behind the massacre behind Kyoto Middle School but was the true mastermind.

He barely lifted a finger. He let the destruction play out by himself. He manipulated many teenagers into commiting genocide just for the sake of his boredom.

Riku: Just...how intelligent is Niko?

Tsume:....He's good at chess.

Souta: Well shit...Anyone whose good at chess is obviously an manipulative person.

Jack: Yeah! I'm not good at chess! One of the worst games I've ever played.

Hein: Because that games makes them better manipulators.

Tsume: Chess is a game of perfect information. There is no trickery, no bluffing, no controlling information. You don't get to lie in chess. If you try to set up a goal that isn't warranted by the position, hoping that your opponent falls for it, you are almost always going to hurt your position if they don't fall for it. That is why you should always assume your opponent knows what you are doing and will play their best response. Giran was the one who taught us that.

Geysis: Giran? The info broker that was arrested along with most of the Paranormal Liberation Front?

Tsume: Yeah...He's...the one that raised me...after I became Niko.

Luna: He...raised you?

Tsume: Yes...Even Niko likes him....He's possibly the only person Niko actually loves and cherishes. Everyone else...even AFO...are just pawns to him.

Destiny: Even you?

Tsume: Even Me.

Chassy: But he's you!

Tsume: Doesn't matter...

Mikoto:....Tsume...Do you have any regard for your own life? Aren't you scared...that Niko would try to come back for you?

Tsume gave him and everybody else a solemn look.

Tsume: Why does it matter... I know what is expected of me... so I give in. When I was young. I play by their rules. Drew inside the lienes. I do everything that I can to make sure they're happy with me, even if it means going against everything I believe in... if I don't, I'm the villian. No one wants to be a villian.

Class 1-C:...

Tsume: Let me tell you guys a little secret...One has to wonder, though. What is a hero anymore? That word means nothing to me anymore. The only reason that I got where I got is because they decided to take me and turn me into exactly what they wanted me to be. They took an innocent child and turned me into their plaything. Something to take their anger out on. They blamed a defenseless child for their sins.  

Present Mic: I've heard about that...The Church Of The Heroes...years ago...that was you?!

Tsume: I was responsible for that as well, yes. There was no choice for me in the matter. Choices and free will are nothing but an illusion. One way or another, I'm pushed towards what they want. There are two options, make the choice they want or become the monster everyone believes in.

Class 1-C:.....

Why would I make the choice to become the villian when it's been hammered into my head that the villian is the bad guy; the villian must be punished. What's the point? I did everything their way and I still lost it all. My parents hated me. My own twin brother hates me. Heck. No doubt you all hate me for when I was still...Niko...If only I had the chance to turn back time..sooner that all life...one single chance for someone to come save me...I would take it...but no...

Maybe it's already too late to turn back...

Niko is a dangerous fiend that shouldn't be left alone. He must be dealt with.

But...Mikoto is the type of person to wear his heart on his sleeve.

Mikoto: Tsume...Well, you have a choice now.


Mikoto: Sure you never had a childhood. But then again. Some of here hadn't either. Those people who stole your freedom away are no longer here. You have the rights now to make your own choices. Apparently, I have learned a lot of things in Class 1-C.

Tsume:....And that is.

Mikoto: That I know I can't face Niko alone. I tried and tried a million times to beat him. But everytime I try, I always end up rock bottom. I almost died so many times.

Tsume: Why don't you just give up then?

Mikoto: Because that's not me.

Tsume: Don't you see how pointless it is then?

Mikoto: I don't. Because I know I can't face Niko alone. Even with all the strength or all the quirks in the world. So it turns out. I would need the help of everyone here.


Mikoto: Tsume Yamikage. I already made the choice to kill Niko. But in order to do that. I will need the help of everyone here.

Tsume:...How could you put your trust in them?

Sylvia: Because we won't betray him.

Haru: We're with Mikoto all the way.

Kenji: He helped us.

Souta: He also saved us.

Jack: Yukimura is the best Class Rep!

Destiny: We're prepared to face the battle along with him.

Akira: We believe in him.

Mio: He's nice to us.

Luna: We also support him.

Eito: He helped us faced out our problems.

Yin: Our darkest moments as well.

Samuel: Big Brother will do whatever he can to help Mikoto out.

Hein: He's an good leader and motivational speaker.

Chassy: We'll follow him to the road to the light.


Mikoto: Tsume. You don't have to help us fight Niko. But I want to know is...What is your choice? What do you want to do now with your life?

Tsume looked utterly confused after that. He...was never given a choice. Just hearing that question bad rendered him speechless.

Tsume:....My choice? What...do I want to do with my life?

Class 1-C - Book 2: Heroes & LegendsWhere stories live. Discover now